Company Info

Anti-corruption Initiatives

Under the supervision of the Board of Directors, the SoftBank Group promises in its “Anticorruption Policy” to conduct business ethically, to be intolerant of any form of bribery and corruption, and to comply with all applicable laws prohibiting bribery and corruption (hereinafter “laws and regulations related to anti-corruption”).

Also, we ensure that all Group employees are fully aware of the Anticorruption Policy to prevent corruption in any form which would constitute an ethics and compliance violation by the Group.

Each group company sets internal rules and procedures to efficiently reflect the Anticorruption Policy into the business process, considering laws and regulations related to anti-corruption. Should any suspected violation of the Anticorruption Policy or the said laws and regulations related to anti-corruption be detected, the Legal or Ethics and Compliance department of each company swiftly investigates the facts and causes, takes appropriate corrective actions and implements measures to prevent recurrence.

When SoftBank Group Corp. or its subsidiaries make a new direct investment, we also seek to understand the risks related to compliance and internal controls. In the investment decision-making process, due diligence is conducted with the cooperation of relevant departments and external legal advisors not only on the business of the investees but also on the legal compliance status.

Political Contributions

The SoftBank Group complies with relevant political laws and regulations. When involved in politics or policy-making, the SoftBank Group aims to contribute to the development and promotion of policies that benefit society as a whole.

Raising Awareness

The SoftBank Group published an Anticorruption Policy on June 14, 2019, and has raised awareness of the policy among directors, officers and employees through internal notifications and other communications. The Anticorruption Policy provides useful information for preventing corruption in day-to-day operations by listing areas of our business that pose a higher risk and require compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws.


Each year, we hold a training program for all employees that covers anti-corruption topics. The training is designed to strengthen understanding of our internal rules for preventing bribery and other forms of corruption, the “red flags” of corruption in business dealings, and ways to make a report or seek help. The training equips every employee to be proactive in preventing corruption.


We provide a helpline for reporting and seeking guidance on corruption-related concerns. Directors, officers and employees can use the helpline to report acts of corruption such as embezzlement and bribery, or seek guidance on compliance-related issues or concerns.

Governance-related data
