Company Info

Corporate Governance

SoftBank Group Corp.(“SBG”) and its subsidiaries are guided by a fundamental concept of “free, fair, and innovative,” and a corporate philosophy of “Information Revolution—Happiness for everyone. ”The SoftBank Group aims to be a provider of essential technologies and services to people around the world while maximizing its enterprise value.

SBG, the holding company of the SoftBank Group, recognizes that it is vital to maintain effective corporate governance in order to realize this vision. We continue to strengthen governance within the SoftBank Group by taking measures such as establishing the SoftBank Group Charter to share the Group's fundamental concept and corporate philosophy and devising the SoftBank Group Company Management Regulations of the SoftBank Group to set forth the management policy and management framework for group companies, as well as establishing compliance with the SoftBank Group Code of Conduct to prescribe policies to be followed by the SoftBank Group and its Board Directors and employees.
Further, responses to sustainability related issues, including climate change, respect for human rights, appropriate treatment of employees and working environments, and building fair and appropriate relationships with business partners, are some of the key management issues for the sustainable development of society and the medium to long term growth of the entire group. Recognizing them not only as risks to be prevented or mitigated but also as opportunities that will help to enhance enterprise value, SBG has also established the SoftBank Group Sustainability Principles to set forth the guidelines for sustainability, the Environmental Policy to set out forth the principles to take the global environment into consideration when conducting corporate activities, and the Human Rights Policy to set forth the standards for prohibiting discrimination, harassment, forced labor, child labor and so on in order to maintain a healthy work environment, both inside and outside the workplace. Further, in the belief that, as an investing company, the appropriate evaluation of the sustainability-related risks and opportunities of its portfolio companies will contribute greatly to sustainable growth, SBG has established the Portfolio Company Governance and Investment Guidelines Policy and incorporates sustainability perspectives into its investment processes. Moreover, it has established the Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets forth the standards that the Company expects its suppliers to comply with, thereby aiming to contribute together with suppliers to achieving sustainable development and solving environmental and social issues. SBG will grow together with stakeholders, including shareholders,creditors, customers, business partners, employees, and local communities (governments, administrative agencies, regional communities, NPOs, NGOs, etc.) and fulfill its responsibility as a company that leads the Information Revolution, by actively contributing to society through its businesses in an aim to achieve a sustainable society.

  • Basic Guidelines

    Basic policy of corporate governance

  • Corporate Governance System

    Our corporate governance system

  • Corporate Management

    Reason(s) for appointment as an External Audit & Supervisory Board Member and his/her attendance rate

  • IR Activities

    Information on our IR activities

  • Internal Control System

    How our internal control system works
