Site Policy

Please be aware of the following policies and settings when browsing or using this website, and note that these are subject to change without notice.


To protect your personal information, this website uses SSL*1 on some pages. Personal information that is entered on these pages by the user is encrypted before being sent or received. The web page may not display correctly if your browser does not support SSL or if you are connecting to the Internet from behind a firewall.

  1. SSL (Secure Socket Layer): Industry standard encryption technology which encrypts transactions between web servers and web browsers. (From the viewpoint of the nature of the encryption technology, no warranty is given as to 100% safety.)

  2. Clicking on image will open a new browser window.

Recommended environment

This website is best viewed on PCs, iPhone, iPad, Android™-based smartphones.

Recommended browsers

WindowsThe latest version of:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
macOSThe latest version of:
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
iOSThe latest version of:
Google Chrome
Android OSThe latest version of:
Google Chrome
  • Browsers are often upgraded to add functionality and enhance security. Please ensure you are always using the latest version.


This website uses JavaScript to provide you with a better experience. Please note that if JavaScript is disabled in your browser, you may have problems using or browsing this website.


This website uses cookies to improve the user experience, to optimize web content, and for the purposes of third-party advertising. Cookie information may be analyzed, edited, and made public for statistical marketing purposes.
Information that may identify individual users such as name, address, telephone number, etc. is not among the information stored. Cookies do not have any adverse effect on the user's computer.
You can set your browser settings to refuse to accept cookies or to notify you when a website attempts to set a cookie. However, if you choose to reject cookies you may not be able to use certain features of this website. For instructions on how to use these settings please contact the respective browser manufacturers.

RSS (distributed XML)

This website offers the latest information (press releases, information, etc.) by RSS (RDF Site Summary), a delivery format using XML technology.
You will be automatically notified of updates to our website by using an RSS reader (RSS aggregator), its supporting browser or online service.

  • RSS (short for RDF Site Summary or Rich Site Summary) is a technology that distributes website summaries or article headlines to subscribers.
    Notification will be sent automatically through an RSS reader or RSS-compatible browser when content is updated. (This website supports the Atom syndication format.)
    The service is subject to suspension without prior notice due to maintenance or other reasons. The URL, content and format of RSS are subject to change without prior notice.
    The RSS feeds may be terminated for certain reasons. Please note the Company assumes no responsibility for any inquiries regarding use of RSS, functions and operating environments of RSS reader and other third-party software.

Copyrights and trademarks

The documents, photos, illustrations, video and software featured on this website are protected by the copyrights, patents, trademarks and other rights of the Company, the Group companies and third parties. The use, reproduction or transfer of any of the content on this website without the express consent of SoftBank Group Corp. ("SBG") is prohibited.
The names of products and services of the SoftBank Group used in this website are registered trademarks or trademarks of respective companies of the SoftBank Group.

Trademarks and registered trademarks

For more information on the trademarks or registered trademarks used on this website by Group companies and third parties, please see below.

Governing law and jurisdiction

The use of this website, the interpretation and application of the Terms and Conditions and the Disclaimer are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan unless stipulated otherwise.
Unless stipulated otherwise, the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo, Japan shall have the exclusive jurisdiction of the first trial for all disputes in connection with all controversies and disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this website.

Links to this website

Links to this website, whether commercial, non-commercial or for intranet use, are permitted without contacting SBG in advance. However, please refrain from setting links from websites that apply or may apply to the following. You may also be asked to change the way that the link has been set up or delete the link even if the conditions below do not apply.

  • Websites that include content that slanders or damages the Company, the Group companies or any outside parties including individuals, companies and other forms of organizations.
  • Websites that contain adult content
  • Websites that include content contrary to public order, morals, and social ethics
  • Websites that include content that is or may be illegal
  • Websites related to activities that are or may be illegal
  • Websites with frame links, which obscure the fact that information is from this website, and may cause misinterpretation to the users.

SBG bears no responsibility for any damages incurred from use of information acquired from third party websites linked to from this website or from third party websites that link to this website. Please also note that the URL for this website may be changed without prior notice.
