
ESG Data


  • Scope of the data (Boundary) shown on this page is the boundary of FY2023. Click here to see the names of companies included in each boundary.

  • Click here to see the boundary including past years.

  • The data may be adjusted retroactively.

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope1&2)

Long-term Target

Scope1&2Achieve Carbon Neutrality by fiscal 2030
(Reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero)
SBG*1+Major subsidiaries(1)

Mid/Long-term Plan for Reducing Emissions

As of July 2024
(Base year)
591,508*2530,255516,062492,019466,930442,8280SBG*1+Major subsidiaries(1)


total (t-CO₂)
776,104620,929720,619591,878534,246SBG*1+Major subsidiaries(1)
15,80315,41612,05215,1277,477SBG*1+Major subsidiaries(1)
760,301605,513708,567576,751526,769SBG*1+Major subsidiaries(1)
Intensity of GHG Emission*3
  1. SoftBank Group Corp.(SBG)has achieved Carbon Neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 since FY2020, and will continue to do so.

  2. The results for the base year (FY2022) have been recalculated based on the boundary reflecting changes in major subsidiaries. For the past results and their boundaries, please refer to the "Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope 1 & 2)" > "Results" section on this page.

  3. Emissions per communication volume


Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions (Scope3)

FY20FY21FY22FY23Description of calculationBoundary
Scope 3
total (t-CO₂)
Category 1: Purchased Goods and Services340,2222,715,6442,916,4053,061,864Calculated by multiplying the purchase price of products and services by the CO₂ emission factor, including the procurement and transportation processesSBKK
Category 2: Capital Goods1,446,0991,211,8391,312,5911,094,719Calculated by multiplying the capital investment amount by the CO₂ emission factor of capital goodsSBKK
Category 3: Fuel- and Energy-Related Activities Not Included in Scope 1 or Scope 2113,432991,0261,262,619952,921Calculated by multiplying fuel/electric power consumption by the CO₂ emission factor for fuel procurement in manufacturing processes and, for electric power procured for sale from external sources, calculated by multiplying the amount of electric power by the CO₂ emission factor upon fuel procurementSBKK
Category 4: Upstream Transportation and Distribution26,481192,923147,001215,315Calculated by multiplying transportation costs by the CO₂ emission factor for transportation between bases and shipping (Procurement transportation is included in Category 1)SBKK
Category 5: Waste Generated in Operations8372,7021,9862,937Calculated by multiplying the weight of industrial waste by the CO₂ emission factor for each kind of waste disposal methodSBKK
Category 6: Business Travel4,2166,14914,78023,097Calculated by multiplying the amount paid for transportation allowances by the CO₂ emission factor for each transportation category, by multiplying the number of days of accommodation by the CO₂ emission factor per day of accommodation, and by multiplying the total travel distance of rental cars by the CO₂ emission factor for each fuel type and maximum loading capacitySBKK
Category 7: Employee Commuting12,63415,98017,29526,095Calculated by multiplying the total commuting distance of employees by the CO₂ emission factor per km of travelers for each transportation category and multiplying the power consumption during telework by the CO₂ emission factor of electric powerSBKK
Category 8: Upstream Leased Assets94,282376,440428,056449,889Calculated by multiplying the total floor area of warehouses and rental offices by the CO₂ emission factor per area for each building use and by multiplying the electric power consumption of telecommunications equipment installed and operated at rental properties by the CO₂ emission factor for electric powerSBKK
Category 9: Downstream Transportation and Distribution603,376716,763678,913627,508For shipping, it is calculated by multiplying transportation costs by the CO₂ emission factorSBKK
Category 10: Processing of Sold Products(Not to be calculated)SBKK
Category 11: Use of Sold Products449,0082,275,5372,397,9722,559,800Calculated by multiplying the number of products sold/rented by lifelong power consumption of each product and the CO₂ emission factor of electric powerSBKK
Category 12: End-of-Life Treatment of Sold Products762148,668160,830181,231Calculated by multiplying the total weight of products sold by the CO₂ emission factor for each kind of wasteSBKK
Category 13: Downstream Leased Assets4896167,688Calculated by multiplying the number of units rented by electric power consumption and the CO₂ emission factor for electric powerSBKK
Category 14: Franchises30,13831,88329,24224,429Calculated by multiplying the total floor area of franchise shops by the CO₂ emission factor per area for each building useSBKK
Category 15: Investments(Not to be calculated)SBKK
  • There is no description in the “-” cells.


Energy Consumption

Energy Consumption total
1,644,2341,680,5302,263,1512,451,2912,576,875SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Non-Renewable Energy Consumption
1,611,7181,355,7641,585,9511,402,4691,277,491SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Renewable Energy Consumption
32,516324,766677,2001,048,8221,299,384SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Ratio of Renewable Energy
2.019.329.942.850.4SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)

Third-Party Verification of Environmental Data

SoftBank Corp.’s Greenhouse gas (Scope 1, 2, and 3) emissions and energy consumption during FY2023 were verified by the Japan Quality Assurance Organization, a third-party institution (Greenhouse gas is verified ISO 14064-3, also energy consumption is verified ISAE 3000, compliant with a limited level of assurance).


  • Scope of the data (Boundary) shown on this page is the boundary of FY2023. Click here to see the boundary of FY2023.

  • Click here to see the boundary including past years.

  • The data may be adjusted retroactively.

Human Resources and Diversity

Number of employees(persons)
Total27,56829,21254,77862,37863,723SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Men19,35020,54937,17241,48042,480SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women8,2188,66317,59820,89321,220SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Ratio of female employees in revenue generating section*1 (%)333337.039.041.5SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Ratio of female employees in STEM section*2 (%)141416.917.516.6SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*38523SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Age composition of employees (persons)
20s and below5,3695,25712,18412,63812,512SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
30s and 40s18,88820,21036,60141,50142,131SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
50s and up3,1043,5136,4868,3009,103SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Number of employees in management (persons)
Total6,1506,78412,64313,51614,072SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Men5,5776,12111,78211,44611,874SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women5736631,8612,0702,197SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Number of female employees in entry-level management positions*44825641,4671,6201,699SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Ratio of female employees in entry-level management positions*4 (%)8.316.717.417.6SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Number of female employees in senior management positions9199400450498SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Ratio of female employees in senior management positions (%)1.410.410.711.3SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*3001SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Number of new hires (new graduate and mid-career) (persons)
Total2,2462,2142,9872,8242,866SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Men1,6731,6262,2242,1022,141SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women573570736717712SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*310533SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Number of mid-career hires among new hires (persons)1,1481,3131,9481,6801,599SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Average cost of hiring full-time employees (thousand yen)*53,1123,3011,1941,2601,298SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Average years of employment (years)*5
Total6. subsidiaries(1)
Men6. subsidiaries(1)
Women6. subsidiaries(1)
Other*30.40.4SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Turnover rate for full-time employees (%) subsidiaries(1)
Number of temporary and contract workers (persons)5,4505,68023,62622,12524,101SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)
Ratio of Employees with Disabilities (%) subsidiaries(3)
  1. Sections that generate revenue directly, such as sales and marketing

  2. Sections that routinely utilize science knowledge in the four fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

  3. Aggregate when group companies has an "Other" section

  4. Refers to entry-level managers (generally, it refers to VP)

  5. Calculated on a weighted average basis from FY21

  • There is no description in the “-” cells.


Nationality(Employment ratio based on countries and regions)*

All employeesFY20FY21FY22FY23Boundary
Top 1Japan (96.6%)Japan (77.4%)Japan (77.3%)Japan (78.7%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 2China (1.5%)United Kingdom (5.3%)South Korea (4.8%)South Korea (4.0%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 3South Korea (0.9%)India (3.7%)United Kingdom (3.2%)India (3.2%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 4Other Asia (0.6%)United States (2.9%)India (2.7%)United Kingdom (3.1%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
OtherOther (0.4%)Other (10.7%)Other (12.0%)Other (10.9%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 1Japan (98.7%)Japan (75.9%)Japan (77.1%)Japan (76.8%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 2China (0.4%)United Kingdom (6.3%)United Kingdom (5.1%)United Kingdom (5.4%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 3South Korea (0.2%)United States (3.6%)South Korea (3.7%)India (3.3%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Top 4Other Asia (0.2%)India (3.0%)India (2.8%)United States (2.9%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
OtherOther (0.4%)Other (11.1%)Other (11.3%)Other (11.7%)SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
  • Total value may not amount to 100% due to rounding down to the second decimal place


Salaries and Remuneration*1

Average total annual income of employees (thousand yen)8,2459,14610,00010,803SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Men9,88810,82311,790SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women7,3568,0328,429SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*29,5677,49111,492SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Average annual basic salary of employees at management levels (thousand yen)
Men8,1129,59810,34710,967SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women7,24810,35610,94711,585SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*223,101SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Average total annual income of employees at management levels (thousand yen)
Men11,36514,85415,55817,051SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women10,45516,38916,53717,121SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*223,101SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Average total annual income of employees at non-management levels (thousand yen)
Men6,5087,5888,5179,334SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Women5,5056,2046,5656,959SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Other*24,28610,964SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
  1. Calculated on a weighted average basis from FY21

  2. Aggregate when group companies has an "Other" section

  • There is no description in the “-” cells.


Training and Development*

Average annual training cost per employee (thousand yen)126113104102Major subsidiaries(2)
Average annual training hours per employee (hours) subsidiaries(2)
  • Calculated on a weighted average basis from FY21

  • There is no description in the “-” cells.


Social Contribution Activity Cost

Charitable donations
(thousand yen)
5,497,425SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)
Community Investment
(thousand yen)
15,271SBG+Major subsidiaries(1)


  • Scope of the data (Boundary) shown on this page is the boundary of FY2023. Click here to see the boundary of FY2023.

  • Click here to see the boundary including past years.

  • The data may be adjusted retroactively.

Political Contributions

Total (yen)00000SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)
Lobbying00000SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)
Political activities00000SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)
Trade associations00000SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)
Others00000SBG+Major subsidiaries(2)

Number of Disciplinary Actions related to Violations of Company Regulations, Laws, etc.

Number of violations, including human rights infringements and harassment01000SBG
Number of corruption related violations (bribery etc.)00000SBG
Number of violations related to labor issues (long working hours, unfair dismissal, etc.)00000SBG
Number of violations related to security00000SBG
Number of violations related to neglect of duties00000SBG
Number of violations related to privacy (e.g., customer privacy data)00SBG
Number of violations related to conflicts of Interest00SBG
Number of violations related to insider trading00SBG
  • There is no description in the “-” cells.

Information Security

Number of material IT infrastructure incidents00000SBG

Scope of this data (Boundary)

SBG:SoftBank Group Corp.
SBKK:SoftBank Corp.*1
Major subsidiaries(1) :SoftBank Corp.*1, Cyber University Inc., Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp., SoftBank Robotics Corp., Arm Holdings plc, SB Investment Advisers (UK) Limited, SB Global Advisers Limited
Major subsidiaries(2) :SoftBank Corp.*1, Cyber University Inc., Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp., SoftBank Robotics Corp., SB Investment Advisers (UK) Limited, SB Global Advisers Limited
Major subsidiaries(3) :SoftBank Corp.*1, Cyber University Inc., Fukuoka SoftBank HAWKS Corp., SoftBank Robotics Corp.
  1. Includes major subsidiaries of SoftBank Corp. (some data may not include major subsidiaries). For details, please see "ESG Data" on the SoftBank Corp. website.


Income Taxes Paid on a Consolidated Basis (Net)

(Billions of yen)
FY19FY20FY21FY22FY23Total of 5 Fiscal Years
SBG and intermediate holding companies (wholly owned subsidiaries)445.8-85.3200.0214.2443.31,218.0
Operating companies (mainly SBKK and LY Corporation)250.5274.8351.2255.5273.71,405.7
  • The amounts represent the net total of tax payments and tax refunds.

  • Income taxes paid on a consolidated basis matches the net amount of “income taxes paid” and “income taxes refunded” in the consolidated statement of cash flows.

  • Income taxes paid by SBG and intermediate holding companies in Japan for FY20 was negative due to the refund of JPY 143 billion in withholding income tax paid in FY19.

  • SBG and intermediate holding companies in Japan have paid JPY 443.3 billion in income taxes for FY23, including an interim payment of JPY 118 billion, of which JPY 76.7 billion has been refunded by July 31, 2024.


Reference : Top 10 Companies ranked by Income Taxes Paid on a Consolidated Basis (FY2019-2023)

(Billions of yen)
CompanyFY19FY20FY21FY22FY23Total of 5 Fiscal Years
1. TOYOTA MOTOR777.5810.1809.81,297.21,124.34,818.9
2. SoftBank Group757.4189.5589.3525.9816.83,013.9
3. INPEX443.9218.1352.7905.6836.72,757.1
4. NTT488.3524.3434.3738.4485.62,670.9
5. Honda Motor230.5206.3203.1401.3540.71,581.9
6. KDDI304.0331.4367.1289.5272.61,564.6
7. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group142.4111.5249.4477.5526.91,507.7
8. Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group283.5139.5274.6384.4203.71,285.7
9. Mitsubishi Corporation185.3114.8156.9339.5473.61,270.2
10. Sony Group216.9102.7269.9297.9294.01,181.4
  • Ranking method: (1) The subjects are publicly listed Japanese companies with fiscal years ending between December and March. (2) Use S&P Global Capital IQ to extract consolidated income taxes paid for FY19 to FY23. This includes “income taxes paid” and “income taxes refunded” as per the consolidated statement of cash flows. (3) Update certain data to align with the figures from each company’s financial statements where discrepancies exist between the figures from Capital IQ and the financial statements. Then, list the top 10 companies based on the total consolidated income taxes paid from FY19 to FY23.


Meeting held in FY2023

  • The following table shows the number of meetings held from April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.

  • Those who have been appointed or resigned during the term and those who have already resigned as of July 2024 are listed in the notes.

Past meetings: FY2022 FY2021 FY2020 FY2019

Board of Directors Meetings

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held*1 (attendance rate %)
Masayoshi Son7/7 (100%)
Yoshimitsu Goto7/7 (100%)
Ken Miyauchi7/7 (100%)
Rene Haas*26/6 (100%)
Masami Iijima7/7 (100%)
Yutaka Matsuo7/7 (100%)
Keiko Erikawa7/7 (100%)
Kenneth A. Siegel7/7 (100%)
David Chao7/7 (100%)
Kentaro Kawabe*31/1 (100%)
Maurice Atsushi Toyama6/7 (85.7%)
Yuji Nakata7/7 (100%)
Soichiro Uno7/7 (100%)
Keiichi Otsuka7/7 (100%)
  1. Excludes the number of the Board of Directors meetings held in writing or electronically.

  2. Appointed to the position of Board Director on June 21, 2023.

  3. Retired from the position of Board Director on June 21, 2023.

Audit & Supervisory Board Meetings

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Maurice Atsushi Toyama12/12 (100%)
Yuji Nakata12/12 (100%)
Soichiro Uno12/12 (100%)
Keiichi Otsuka12/12 (100%)

Nominating & Compensation Committee

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Masami Iijima2/2 (100%)
Yutaka Matsuo2/2 (100%)
Masayoshi Son2/2 (100%)

Investment Committee

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Masayoshi Son22/22 (100%)
Yoshimitsu Goto22/22 (100%)
Kazuko Kimiwada22/22 (100%)
Tim Mackey22/22 (100%)

Brand Committee

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Yoshimitsu Goto8/8 (100%)
Kazuko Kimiwada8/8 (100%)
Natsuko Oga8/8 (100%)
Takeaki Nukii8/8 (100%)
Tatsuya Iida8/8 (100%)

Group Risk and Compliance Committee

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Tim Mackey4/4 (100%)
Yoshimitsu Goto4/4 (100%)
Kazuko Kimiwada4/4 (100%)

Sustainability Committee

NameMeetings attended/Meetings held (attendance rate %)
Yotaro Agari3/3 (100%)
Yoshimitsu Goto3/3 (100%)
Kazuko Kimiwada3/3 (100%)
Tim Mackey3/3 (100%)
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