
Stakeholder Engagement

The SoftBank Group builds relationships of trust through communication with stakeholders surrounding the Group, including shareholders and creditors, customers, business partners, employees, governments, administrative agencies and local communities, and will incorporate their perspectives into our corporate activities.

Communication with Stakeholders

Shareholders and creditors: Shareholders and creditors of the Group, Business partners Business partners of the Group, Society: Governments, administrative agencies, local communities, NPOs, NGOs, and others with whom we have relationships through our business activities, Employees: Employees of the Group and their families, Customers: Customers who use the Group’s products and services
Shareholders and creditors: Shareholders and creditors of the Group, Business partners Business partners of the Group, Society: Governments, administrative agencies, local communities, NPOs, NGOs, and others with whom we have relationships through our business activities, Employees: Employees of the Group and their families, Customers: Customers who use the Group’s products and services

Communication Opportunities and Content with Stakeholders

StakeholdersCommunication opportunities and content*Related contents
Shareholders and creditors
  • Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Earnings Results Briefings, Investor Briefings, etc.
  • Meetings with institutional investors and analysts(762 in FY2023)
  • Publication of the SoftBank Group Report (Annual Reports), Reports to Shareholders, etc.
  • Expansion of information on the website
  • Publication of press releases and notices
Corporate Governance
External Evaluation
  • Establishment of the inquiry counter
  • Expansion of information on the website
  • Communication through social media, etc.
Contact Us
Business partners
  • Establishment and dissemination of the Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Information sharing through our website and the SoftBank Group Report (Annual Reports)
Supplier Code of Conduct
Respect for Human Rights in the Supply Chain
  • Holding employee roundtables (twice a year)
  • Conducting engagement surveys (once a year)
  • Establishment of an internal reporting system / helplines
Ethics Helpline
Respect for Human Rights
Human resources strategy
Diversity and inclusion
Creating a Supportive Working Environment
Industrial safety and health
SocietyGovernments and administrative agencies
  • Policy proposals and other activities through industry associations, etc.
    • Operation of the Renewable Energy Council and the GDC Renewable Energy Council
    • Participation in Japan Climate Initiative
Promoting decarbonization through initiatives
Local communities
  • Participation in local communities
    • Measures against COVID-19 (operating vaccination centers, setting up PCR testing centers, etc.), development of local human resources, support for disaster-stricken areas, support for Ukrainian refugees, etc.
Participation in Our Community
Our Response to COVID-19 (Initiatives for Employees)
NPOs and NGOs
  • Conducting social contribution activities
    • Implementation of collaborative projects such as the next generation leader development program
Participation in Our Community
  • Describes information related to SBG.

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