About SoftBank Group
When was SoftBank Group Corp. established?
September 3, 1981.
When did SoftBank Group Corp. go public?
We registered with Japan Securities Dealers Association in 1994 and listed the stock on the Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section in 1998.
What does the SoftBank logo represent?
The brand logo of the SoftBank Group, is designed based on the banner of Kaientai, a company led by Ryoma Sakamoto, representing our ardent passion for the kind of enterprise that makes people happy through the Information Revolution and will be admired by people around the world 30 or 300 years from now. Please refer to links below for more details.
Origin of Brand Name and Logo
What is the SoftBank Group?
The SoftBank Group has based its business growth on the Internet. The Group is currently engaged in various businesses in the information industry, including the SoftBank segment, the Sprint segment, the Yahoo Japan segment, the Arm segment, the SoftBank Vision Fund and Delta Fund segment, and the Brightstar segment.
Our Business
What is “SoftBank's Next 30-Year Vision”?
This vision announced in June 2010 marking the milestone of the 30th anniversary of our founding aims for the SoftBank Group to contribute to people's happiness through the information revolution for the next 30 years, and to become a corporate group needed most by people around the world. Please refer to Company Info > Corporate Philosophy, Vision and Values > Vision
Next 30-Year Vision
What is SoftBank Academia?
SoftBank Academia was established on July 28, 2010 aiming to discover and train a successor of Masayoshi Son, SoftBank Group Representative. Masayoshi Son himself trains and raises potential successors from both inside and outside of the SoftBank Group as a founding principal. Please refer to the website below for the details.
Official site for SoftBank Academia