Company Info

Privacy Policy

The SoftBank Group (meaning SoftBank Group Corp. and its subsidiaries) and its directors, officers, employees and temporary employees “we” respect privacy. That’s why we manage and protect personal data of all individuals, including customers, business partners, employees, job applicants and website users. Many countries where we operate have specific laws and regulations on how to treat personal data. Privacy and data protection laws reach every internal function, application and how we share personal data for legitimate business purposes across our global organization. We recognize the need to protect personal data, respect individual rights, and are committed to complying with applicable privacy and data protection laws everywhere we do business.

The SoftBank Group will also require others acting for the SoftBank Group, such as agents, consultants, advisors, distributors, suppliers, and contractors, to comply with the requirements of our policies.

Personal Data

Personal Data consists of data that can be used to identify a person. It may include, name, race, religion, contact details, evaluation, medical data, criminal record, tax identification numbers and other information identifying persons.


When we process Personal Data, we inform the individual about the information we collect and how we use it in a clear and simple statement as required by applicable laws.

Legitimate Interest

We use Personal Data for legitimate purposes only and do not use Personal Data that was collected for a specific purpose, for other unrelated purposes, unless allowed or required by law.


Where legally required, we ask individuals for consent in a clear and understandable manner.


We do not collect more Personal Data than is necessary for the specific purpose and do not retain it for longer than necessary.


We maintain gathered Personal Data in an accurate, complete, and up-to-date state to the extent required for its purpose of use.


We keep Personal Data secure using appropriate organizational, physical, human, and technical measures to prevent unauthorized access, unlawful use, and unauthorized or accidental loss, destruction or damage to Personal Data. Access to Personal Data will generally be restricted on a need-to-know basis.


We comply with applicable restrictions that may apply to inter-company or international transfers of Personal Data.

Individual Rights

We respect rights that individuals have under applicable privacy and data protection laws, which may include access, correction and erasure of Personal Data.


We immediately recognize potential security breaches that may include Personal Data and immediately report them to the information security representative (Chief Information Security Officer “CISO” or CISO equivalent) and IT or Information Security.

Crisis Management

When leakage of Personal Data has been discovered, we will identify the cause and work to minimize damage and prevent recurrence, and will notify CISO or CISO equivalent, IT or Information Security and relevant authorities and persons concerned to the extent required by laws and regulations.

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