Company Info

Information Security Policy

This Policy establishes information security principles that must be followed by the SoftBank Group (meaning SoftBank Group Corp. and its subsidiaries) and its directors, officers, employees and temporary employees “we”. The SoftBank Group will appropriately protect and manage information that the SoftBank Group retains in the course of business. SoftBank Group will also require others acting for the SoftBank Group, such as agents, consultants, advisors, distributors, suppliers, and contractors, to comply with the requirements of our policies.

Protection and Management of Information

We will appropriately protect and manage information that the SoftBank Group retains in the course of business in accordance with our policies so that we can comply with laws and regulations regarding information security.

Information Security Countermeasures

We will identify vulnerabilities and risks that threaten the information security of the SoftBank Group, and in addition to developing a system to prevent cyber-attacks and the leakage, alteration, or loss of information or other information security incidents, it will take organizational, physical, human, and technical countermeasures in proportion to risks. Furthermore, we will plan and implement countermeasures based on environmental changes due to corporate acquisitions or the like, and it will ensure that countermeasures are effective and reliable by continuously assessing and reviewing them.

Response to Incidents and Accidents

In the event that an incident or accident regarding information security has occurred, we will work to quickly recover from and minimize the harm, and we will make efforts to prevent a recurrence. In addition, we will appropriately report to both internal and external related parties and to related authorities in accordance with the situation.

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