Investor Relations
Handling of Personal Information for Inquiries from Investors and Analysts
The SoftBank Group uses names, mail addresses and other personal information entered into the “Inquiries from Investors and Analysts” form properly and for the following purposes.
Responses to inquiries / opinions / consultations, etc.
To respond to inquiries, we may jointly use acquired personal information in line with the following.
Joint utilization with Group companies
Personal information entered into the “Inquiries from Investors and Analysts” form (name, email address, message, etc.).
Group companies within the scope of joint utilization
Our subsidiaries and associate companies
Click below for a list of major Group companies contained within the scope of joint utilization.
Purposes for which Group companies may jointly utilize personal information
Responses to inquiries / opinions / consultations, etc.
Party responsible for the management/control of personal information
SoftBank Group Corp.