Ariba and SOFTBANK Group Announce Comprehensive Partnership with Japanese B2B Players20 New Partners Extend Ariba Japan’s Leadership of Japanese B2B Market

20 New Partners Extend Ariba Japan's Leadership of Japanese B2B Market

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.-Nov. 28, 2000--Ariba, Inc. (Nasdaq: ARBA), the leading business-to-business (B2B) eCommerce platform and network services provider, SOFTBANK CORP. and SOFTBANK E-COMMERCE CORP., a wholly owned subsidiary of SOFTBANK CORP. (Tokyo Stock Exchange 9984) today announced a broad list of potential partners intending to work with Ariba Japan, to deliver the most comprehensive B2B e-commerce solution in Japan.

Today's announcement is the most extensive of its kind in Japan's emerging B2B sector, one of the world's most important, and strengthens Ariba Japan's leadership position in the Japanese B2B market. The proposed partners will significantly broaden the breadth and depth of Ariba Japan's B2B e-commerce platform and network services solutions for Japanese companies. The 20 proposed partners include major Japanese electronic manufacturers, system integrators, banks, brokers and trading houses.

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