We are pleased to report to you on the progress of the “Yahoo! BB” broadband Internet service that began commercial operations on September 1.

As of September 3, 2001
Reservations 1,012,004
Formal applications 496,855
Yahoo! BB lines installed 155,744
Lines connected 40,699
Exchanges open 223

“Yahoo! BB” offers subscribers permanent, high-speed Internet connections with maximum transfer rates of 8 Mbps from the low price of 2,280 yen per month. *

The majority of NTT exchange construction for “Yahoo! BB” has been completed in metropolitan Tokyo, Osaka, Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama, Nagoya and Sendai.

We expect to open 600 NTT exchanges by the end of September, which will enable us to provide services to all prefectures in Japan.

We at “Yahoo! BB” will continue to promote the broadband revolution as we endeavor to enrich and improve the lives of people in Japan.

  • Price does not include consumption tax, NTT subscriber charges, construction costs, ADSL connection fees, or cost of ADSL modem and splitter.

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