Comment on Some of Today’s Reports

Some media reported today on the leakage of outgoing call histories at SOFTBANK BB’s IP telephony service “BB Phone”.

On June 14, the police asked us to check 65 calls related to 14 users against the Company’s outgoing call histories. Our resulting investigation confirmed yesterday morning that they were the outgoing call histories of the Company.

According to the police, the 65 calls of 14 users mentioned above were all the materials confiscated from the suspect. We are presently confirming the basis of the number of 1.4 million calls that was reported by the press.

The facts that have been confirmed presently are as follows. Further, we would also like to report that the content of customer calls have never been recorded and thus such content is not contained in the leaked information.

Leakage: 14 users; Outgoing call histories: 65 calls

  • 1: Yahoo! Japan ID
  • 2: Customer ID
  • 3: Originator’s telephone number
  • 4: ID in BB Phone charge system
  • 5: Receiver’s telephone number
  • 6: Time call originated
  • 7: Start of call
  • 8: End of call
  • 9: Call length
  • 10: Charge category
  • 11: Call charge
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