SOFTBANK Announces New Management Structures of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Corp and Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp.

SOFTBANK CORP. (“the Company”) is pleased to announce that the new management structures of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Corp. and Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp. have been decided as follows. Both are consolidated subsidiaries of the Company.

I. Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Corp.

1. Share Transfer

The share transfer was completed on January 28, 2005, and Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Corp. has become a consolidated subsidiary of the Company.


Capital100 million yen
Number of shares outstanding14,720,000
Number of shares owned by the Company14,432,000 (approximately 98%)
Value of business15 billion yen

2. New Management Structure of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks

The new management structure of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks is as follows.

Director & OwnerMasayoshi Son
Representative Director, President & Deputy OwnerKazuhiko Kasai
Director, Executive Vice President & General ManagerSadaharu Oh
Executive Managing Director & Representative of Baseball TeamMasashi Tsunoda
Executive Managing Director & Manager of the Strategic Planning DivisionTakanori Takeuchi
DirectorYasumasa Matsuoka
DirectorItaru Kobayashi

II. Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp.

1. Concerning Business Transfer

Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp. (“FSBHM”) concluded a business transfer agreement with Hawks Town Co. (“HT”) on January 28, 2005 for the transfer of businesses related to the Dome business from HT.

2. Reason for Business Transfer

As the Company will acquire shares in the Fukuoka Daiei Hawks ("Hawks"), a professional baseball team, it will be able to integrate the management of the baseball team and the operation of baseball performance under the Softbank Group once FSBHM has received the Dome business from HT, which holds rights related to the baseball performance of Hawks.

3. Content of Business Transfer

(1) Content of Business to Be Transferred

Management and administration, etc of sport facilities including a baseball stadium
(Management and administration, etc of businesses associated with the Fukuoka Dome)

(2) Operating Results of Business to Be Transferred

 Term ended February 2004Term ended February 2005 <Interim results>
Sales17,581 million yen12,049 million yen
Gross profit12,889 million yen9,006 million yen
Operating profit2,622 million yen1,568 million yen
Ordinary profit2,622 million yen1,568 million yen

(3) Items and Amounts of Assets and Liabilities to Be Transferred

Not yet determined at this point and will be announced as soon as they are fixed

(4) Value of Business Transfer

15 billion yen

(5) Overview of Hawks Town Co.

As of August 31, 2004
Company nameHawks Town Co.
Main businessesManagement and administration, etc of Hawks Town Mall, The Fukuoka Dome and Sea Hawk Hotel & Resort
EstablishedJuly 15, 1989
Head office2-2-2, Jigyohama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
RepresentativeToshio Masui
Capital38,750,624 thousand yen
Number of employees551 (excluding part-time employees)
Principal shareholder and shareholding ratioColony Fukuoka Limited 100%
Relationship with the CompanyNone

(6) Schedule

January 28, 2005

Conclusion and execution of the business transfer agreement

4. New Management Structure of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp.

The new management structure of Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp. is as follows.

Director & ChairmanKazuhiko Kasai
Representative Director & PresidentYasumasa Matsuoka
Executive Managing DirectorTakanori Takeuchi
DirectorKen Miyauchi
DirectorHiroaki Kitano
DirectorItaru Kobayashi

5. Concerning Lease Agreement of Baseball Stadium

On January 28, 2005, FSBHM has decided to conclude a lease agreement for the Fukuoka Dome with HT along with the business transfer mentioned above.

(1) Content of Leased Assets

NameThe Fukuoka Dome
Location2-2-2, Jigyohama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka

(2) Content of Agreement

Lease amountAnnually 4,800 million yen
Contract term20 years

However, the lease amount will be reviewed every five years. In addition, FSBHM holds the right to extend the contract term by ten years after the lapse of the original contract term of 20 years.

(3) Schedule

January 28, 2005

Conclusion and execution of the lease agreement


Fukuoka Softbank Hawks Marketing Corp.

Location of head office2-2-2, Jigyohama, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka
RepresentativeYasumasa Matsuoka
Type of businessManagement and administration of sport facilities, etc including a baseball stadium and contents delivery of video, sound and data, etc, using various media
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