Licensing of Establishment of Specified Base Stations

SOFTBANK CORP. is pleased to announce that BB Mobile Corp. (Head office: Minato-ku, Tokyo; Representative: Masayoshi Son; “BB Mobile”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SOFTBANK CORP. that operates the mobile phone business of the SOFTBANK Group, has applied for a license to establish specified base stations using the 1.7 GHz band spectrum. The company has been officially granted this license today by the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications.

To date, BB Mobile has been working on trialing and researching new technologies such as HSDPA, 3G, wireless LAN, and handover with WiMAX, to facilitate entry into the mobile phone market. The granting of this license delivers the impetus SOFTBANK Group needs to develop its wireless broadband in earnest and to provide new and innovative services to bring about a truly ubiquitous society. The business development plans for the future are as follows

1. Business Development Plans for the Future

Plan to provide a voice communication service and communication service using data card nationwide within fiscal 2007.

Adopted systemW-CDMA
The number of specified base stations to be established each fiscal year15,960 base stations
Land mobile-relay station4,000 stations
Service areNationwide

2. Impact on performance

The details of the plan for the mobile phone business and the service content are still under study. Neither the specific costs nor the contribution of SOFTBANK CORP. have been determined. The impact on the consolidated financial performance of SOFTBANK CORP. is being analyzed. Details will be released as soon as they are available.

Corporate Profile of BB Mobile Corp.

Name of CompanyBB Mobile Corp.
Head office1-9-1, Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
RepresentativePresident and Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son
BusinessesInvestigation, research and planning of telecommunications business
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