Issue of the 30th Unsecured Straight Corporate Bond

SOFTBANK CORP. announces that it has determined the terms and conditions of the issue of its 30th unsecured straight corporate bond (hereafter the ‘Bonds’).

Summary of the 30th SOFTBANK CORP. Unsecured Straight Corporate Bond with inter-bond pari passu clause

1. Total amount of issueJPY 30 billion
2. Denomination per bondJPY 100 million
3. Coupon rate3.35% per annum
4. Issue priceJPY 100 par value
5. Term to maturity and redemption methods5 years
(a)Redemption at maturityThe principal of the Bonds will be redeemed in full on March 11, 2015.
(b)Repurchase and redemptionBonds may be repurchased for redemption at any time on or after the first day following the closing date, unless otherwise provided for by the book-entry transfer institution.
6. Coupon payment datesThe 11th of March and September
7. Offering periodMarch 5, 2010
8. Closing dateMarch 11, 2010
9. Method of offeringOffering to the general public
10. CollateralNo collateral or guarantee is pledged and no assets are specifically reserved to secure these Bonds.
11. CovenantsNegative pledge clause
12. UnderwritersDaiwa Securities Capital Markets Co. Ltd.
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
13. Place for handling subscriptionsHead office and domestic branches of underwriters
14. Fiscal AgentMizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd.
15. Book-entry transfer InstitutionJapan Securities Depository Center, Inc.
16. RatingBBB+ (Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.)
17. Use of proceedsRedemption of bonds which will mature by the end of September, 2010

“This press release relates to an offering of Japanese Yen-denominated the 30th Unsecured Straight Corporate Bond (the “Bonds”) that is intended to be directed into Japan and its residents thereof in accordance with the laws, customary practices and documentation of Japan. This press release does not constitute an offer of any securities for sale in the United States. The Bonds have not been registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Act”), and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements under the Act.”

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