Execution of Bridge Loan Agreement for ARM Acquisition

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) announces that on July 15, 2016 it entered into a loan agreement (the “Bridge Loan”) for a maximum amount of JPY 1.0 trillion to finance a portion of the consideration payable in the acquisition of ARM Holdings plc (“ARM”) as follows. SBG, as more fully described in “ Recommended Acquisition of ARM by SoftBank ” dated July 18, 2016, has reached an agreement with ARM on the terms of a recommended all cash acquisition of the entire issued and to be issued share capital of ARM by SBG, under which SBG will acquire 1,412 million shares of ARM with a total acquisition price amounting to approximately GBP 24.0 billion (approximately USD 31.0 billion or JPY 3.3 trillion) by means of a court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement.

1. Summary of Bridge Loan Agreement

(1) Borrower SoftBank Group Corp.
(2) Lender Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
(3) Date of execution July 15, 2016
(4) Maximum amount of borrowing JPY 1.0 trillion
(5) Use of proceeds Acquisition of ARM
(6) Maturity July 13, 2018
(7) Collateral None
(8) Guarantor SoftBank Corp.

2. Future outlook

All or a part of the abovementioned loan is scheduled to be refinanced with long-term financings.

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