Establishment of Subsidiary through Incorporation-type Company Split of Subsidiary

SoftBank Group Corp.

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) announced today that its wholly owned subsidiary SoftBank Group Japan Corporation (“SBGJ”) decided on an incorporation-type company split, in which all the rights and obligations of SBGJ in relation to fund procurement using shares of Alibaba Group Holding Limited (“Alibaba”) held by SBGJ will be transferred into a newly-established company, Skybridge Corporation (“Skybridge”) (the “Company Split”). Concurrently, SBGJ decided to deliver all the shares of Skybridge, which will be allocated to SBGJ through the Company Split, to SBG as a dividend of surplus. The details are as below.

1. Purpose of establishment of subsidiary through the Company Split

SBGJ is a wholly owned subsidiary of SBG and holds shares in Alibaba and SoftBank Corp., which are the most material investment assets of SBG. By carving out Alibaba shares held by SBGJ that are being used to procure funds and having Skybridge hold them, the Company Split is intended to improve SBGJ’s management efficiency.

2. Outline of the new subsidiary

 Newly incorporated company
(Scheduled on October 1, 2020)
(1) Trade nameSkybridge Corporation
(2) Address1-9-1 Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(3) Name of representativeNorikazu Oba, Representative Director
(4) FoundedOctober 1, 2020 (scheduled)
(5) Nature of businessHolding company
(6) Share capitalJPY 1 million
(7) Number of shares issued1,000,000 shares
(8) Fiscal year-endMarch 31
(9) Shareholder and its shareholding ratioSoftBank Group Corp.: 100%
Net sales
Operating income
Ordinary income
Net income
Total assets
Net assets
  • As Skybridge Corporation is to be incorporated through the Company Split, there are no figures for net sales, etc.

3. Outline of the splitting company

 Splitting company
(as of August 19, 2020)
(1) Trade nameSoftBank Group Japan Corporation
(2) Address1-9-1 Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(3) Name of representativeMasayoshi Son, Representative Director
(4) FoundedJanuary 26, 2001
(5) Nature of businessHolding company
(6) Share capitalJPY 188,797 million (as of August 19, 2020)
(7) Number of shares issued155,974,137 shares (as of August 19, 2020)
(8) Fiscal year-endMarch 31
(9) Shareholder and its shareholding ratioSoftBank Group Corp.: 100%
Net sales (fiscal year ended March 31, 2020; the same applies hereafter)
Operating incomeJPY 37 million loss
Ordinary incomeJPY 276,900 million
Net incomeJPY 643,385 million
Total assetsJPY 2,635,088 million
Net assetsJPY 2,113,216 million

4. Number of shares to be acquired, acquisition price, and share ownership before and after acquisition

(1) Number of shares held before transfer- shares
(2) Number of shares to be acquired1,000,000 shares
(3) Acquisition priceDelivered to SBG as a dividend of surplus
(4) Number of shares held after transfer1,000,000 shares
(number of voting rights: 1,000,000)
(voting rights holding ratio: 100%)

5. Timeline

Decision of the directors of SBGJAugust 19, 2020
Resolution by Shareholders' Meeting of SBGJSeptember 23, 2020 (scheduled)
Effective date of the Company SplitOctober 1, 2020 (scheduled)

6. Future outlook

As both the companies involved in the Company Split are wholly owned subsidiaries of SBG, the impact of the Company Split on SBG’s consolidated financial results will be minor.

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