Determination of Details of Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options)

SoftBank Group Corp.

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) announced today that it determined the following details of the stock acquisition rights (the “Stock Acquisition Rights”) to be issued to certain corporate officers and employees of SBG and directors of SBG’s subsidiary, in accordance with the resolution of the Board of Directors on July 30, 2020.

1. Payment of cash in exchange for the Stock Acquisition Rights

JPY 626,500 per unit of the Stock Acquisition Rights (JPY 6,265 per share)

The amount above constitutes the fair price of the Stock Acquisition Rights and does not fall under an issuing at a discount from market price. Further, each person who intends to subscribe to the Stock Acquisition Rights will acquire the Stock Acquisition Rights as a result of setting off the obligation to pay the amount to be paid in for the Stock Acquisition Rights against the remuneration claim he/she holds against SBG (which includes the claim when SBG assumes the obligation of payment for that claim against the subsidiary of SBG), instead of paying the amount to be paid in.

2. Persons to be allotted the Stock Acquisition Rights, the number of such persons, and the number of the Stock Acquisition Rights to be allotted

1,889 units to 189 corporate officers and employees of SBG and directors of SBG’s subsidiary


For the outline of the issuance of the Stock Acquisition Rights not included above, please refer to “Issuance of Stock Acquisition Rights (Stock Options)” dated July 31, 2020.

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