Absorption-type Merger of Subsidiary (Shiodome Project 9 GK)

SoftBank Group Corp.

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) announced today that its Board of Directors resolved to merge its wholly owned subsidiary Shiodome Project 9 GK (“Shiodome 9”) in an absorption-type of merger (the “Merger”), effective as of September 21, 2023 (planned) as follows.

1. Purpose of the Merger

Shiodome 9 is an intermediate holding company that holds a portion of shares in Alibaba Group Holding Limited. SBG decided on the Merger to achieve greater efficiency in its group operations.

2. Summary of the Merger

(1) Timeline
Merger resolution by the Board of DirectorsJuly 28, 2023
Date of the Merger agreementJuly 28, 2023
Date of the Merger (the effective date)September 21, 2023 (planned)
  • Given the Merger is a short-form merger for SBG as provided in the Article 796-2 of the Companies Act, the Merger will be conducted without seeking approval at the General Meeting of Shareholders of SBG on the execution of the Merger agreement. Shiodome 9 plans to obtain the consent of all members by the day immediately preceding the effective date as provided in the Article 793-1 (i) of the Companies Act.

(2) Merger method

Absorption-type merger with SBG being the surviving company. Shiodome 9 will be dissolved.

(3) Allotment of shares and other assets upon the Merger

Not applicable

(4) Treatment of stock acquisition rights and bonds with stock acquisition rights of the merged companies

Not applicable

3. Outline of the Companies Subject to the Merger

 Surviving CompanyDissolving Company
(1) Trade nameSoftBank Group Corp.Shiodome Project 9 GK
(2) Address1-7-1, Kaigan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo1-7-1, Kaigan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo
(3) Name and title of
Masayoshi Son,
Representative Director,
Corporate Officer, Chairman & CEO
SoftBank Group Corp.,
Representative Member
Ippei Mimura,
Executive Officer
(4) Nature of businessPure holding companyHolding company
(5) Share capitalJPY 238,772 million
(as of March 31, 2023)
JPY 2 million
(as of September 20, 2022)
(6) FoundedSeptember 3, 1981October 17, 2017
(7) Shares outstanding
(as of March 31, 2023)
(8) Fiscal year-endMarch 31September 20
(9) Principal shareholders and
their shareholding ratio
(as of March 31, 2023)
Masayoshi Son: 29.16%
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account): 18.33%
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account): 7.43%
SoftBank Group Corp.: 100%
(10) Latest fiscal year financial position and results of operation (JPY million)
 Fiscal year ended
March 2023
Fiscal year ended
September 2022
Total equity (Net assets)10,649,215998,844
Total assets43,936,3682,777,096
Equity per share attributable to owners of the parent
(Shareholders’ equity per share) (JPY)
Net sales6,570,439
Operating income(2)
Ordinary income847,819
Net income attributable to owners of the parent
(Net income)
Basic earnings per share
(Net income per share) (JPY)
  • SBG adopts International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) and Shiodome 9 adopts JGAAP. Where terminology of the item differs between IFRSs and JGAAP, both are presented, with JGAAP terminology is shown in brackets.

  • Amount is rounded off to the nearest unit.

4. Situation after the Merger

SBG’s trade name, address, name and title of representative, nature of business, share capital and fiscal year-end will remain unchanged after the Merger.

5. Future Outlook

As the Merger involves a merger of SBG’s wholly owned subsidiary, there will be no impact on SBG’s consolidated financial results. The impact of the Merger on SBG’s non-consolidated financial results has not been determined and will be disclosed in the future as necessary.

  • Releases, announcements, presentations and other information available from this page and elsewhere on this website were prepared based on information available and views held at the time of preparation and speak only as of the respective dates on which they are filed or used by SoftBank Group Corp. or the applicable group company, as the case may be. Such information is subject to change and may become out-of-date. Such information may also contain forward-looking statements which are by their nature subject to various risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future developments to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements. Please read legal notices in its entirety prior to viewing any information available on this website.

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