
Material Issues

Based on our view of double materiality, SoftBank Group Corp. classifies issues to be addressed from two perspectives: the importance to stakeholders and to the Group. Among these issues, we identify material issues relating to sustainability (“Material Issues”) that should be addressed with priority, determined by the Board of Directors. The eight material issues that we identified in fiscal 2020 have been updated to ten issues in January 2024, in consideration of social and business environmental changes surrounding the Group. As for the importance to the Group, issues in the major business sectors in which the Group is engaged are analyzed to determine the order of priority.

Material Issues

A matrix map with the horizontal axis labeled 'Importance to the Group' and the vertical axis labeled 'Importance to stakeholders'. The horizontal axis, from left to right, and the vertical axis, from bottom to top, are divided into 'Important', 'Very important', and 'Extremely important' respectively. In the area where both axes meet at 'Extremely important', the following are placed from the top right to the bottom left in order: 'Responsible AI', 'Climate change', and 'Human capital'. In the area marked 'Extremely important' on the horizontal and 'Very important' on the vertical, the following are placed in order: 'Privacy protection & information security', and 'Portfolio companies’ sustainability'. In the area marked ‘Very important’ on the horizontal and ‘Extremely important’ on the vertical, the following are placed in order: 'Corporate governance' and 'Digital inclusion'. In the area where both axes meet at ‘Very important’, the following are placed from the top right to the bottom left in order: 'Human rights' and 'Conservation of natural capital'. In the area marked 'Important' on the horizontal and ‘Very important’ on the vertical, the following is placed: 'Supply chain sustainability'.
Material IssuesConcept
Responsible AIStand at the forefront of the Information Revolution, and create new value through the utilization of responsible AI to build a more connected, empowered and joyful world.
Climate changeChallenge issues of global climate change through business activities of a diverse group of companies.
Human capitalStrive for sustainable growth by creating an internal environment in which employees, who are the source of value creation, can challenge themselves and play an active role.
Privacy protection & Information securityAs a leader of the Information Revolution, sincerely deal with protection of information assets, and lead to realization of a safe and secure digital society.
Portfolio companies’ sustainabilityAs a strategic investment holding company, contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through investment, together with portfolio companies.
Corporate governanceUnder the fundamental concept of “free, fair, and innovative”, strengthen governance structure ensuring transparency and effectiveness.
Digital inclusionPromote the Information Revolution, strive to eliminate the digital divide to realize a world in which everyone can benefit from technology.
Human rightsRespect human rights for everyone in all aspects of our business activities, including those who belong to our supply chains.
Conservation of natural capitalAs a global citizen, take serious efforts to conserve the global environment.
Supply chain sustainabilityPursue to build sustainable supply chains by cooperating with stakeholders in all business activities.

Identification and Review of Material Issues

The following process is performed to identify our Material Issues. In addition, Material Issues are reviewed at least once in two years to reflect changes in social environments, the expectations of stakeholders, and changes in the business operations within each Group company.

Step 1 Identification of Issues: Identify social issues in the social and business environments surrounding the Group’s main business sectors by referring to external guidelines and experts’ opinions. Step2 Materiality Analysis: Analyze importance from two perspectives based on our view of double materiality : “the importance to stakeholders” and “the importance to the Group.” Step3 Identification of Material Issues: Exchange opinions between relevant members inside and outside of the Group, and external experts.* Identify Material Issues through discussion at the Sustainability Committee, and approval of the Board of Directors. Step4 Setting and Monitoring of Goals: Set the goals/action plans for the Material Issues based on their importance. Continuously monitor the progress of the goals/action plans. Step5 Periodic Review: Review at least once in two years to reflect changes in social environments, the expectations of stakeholders, and changes in the business operations within each Group company. Step 1 Identification of Issues: Identify social issues in the social and business environments surrounding the Group’s main business sectors by referring to external guidelines and experts’ opinions. Step2 Materiality Analysis: Analyze importance from two perspectives based on our view of double materiality : “the importance to stakeholders” and “the importance to the Group.” Step3 Identification of Material Issues: Exchange opinions between relevant members inside and outside of the Group, and external experts. Identify Material Issues through discussion at the Sustainability Committee, and approval of the Board of Directors. Step4 Setting and Monitoring of Goals: Set the goals/action plans for the Material Issues based on their importance. Continuously monitor the progress of the goals/action plans. Step5 Periodic Review: Review at least once in two years to reflect changes in social environments, the expectations of stakeholders, and changes in the business operations within each Group company.

Goals/Action plans

For the Material Issues that should be addressed with priority, we set the following goals/action plans, and will continuously monitor their progress and disclose the results.

Responsible AI

We aim for the establishment of an appropriate AI governance structure through discussions to be held in our working group.

Climate change

We promote initiatives to achieve our Group target to “Achieve Carbon Neutrality by fiscal 2030.”

Human capital

We regard human resources as a source of value creation and important stakeholders for supporting our sustainable growth. Accordingly, we will continuously work on creating an internal environment in which employees can challenge themselves and play an active role while making the most of their individuality and abilities, as well as attracting autonomous and professional human resources and supporting their growth and advancement.

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