Company Info

Basic Guidelines

SBG stipulates the following basic guidelines for corporate governance based on the principles of Japan's Corporate Governance Code.

Securing the rights and equal treatment of shareholders (General principle 1)

SBG strives to fully secure shareholder rights by developing an environment in which all shareholders, including minority and overseas shareholders, can effectively exercise their rights. SGB also treats all shareholders equally in accordance with their shareholdings, in compliance with laws and regulations.

Appropriate cooperation with stakeholders other than shareholders (General principle 2)

SBG endeavors to build good relationships and cooperate appropriately with all stakeholders, including shareholders, creditors, customers, business partners, employees, and local communities (government, administrative agencies, regional communities, NPOs, NGOs, etc.) in order to create and enhance enterprise value over the medium to long term. To this end, the Board of Directors and management team seek to establish a corporate culture where the opinions and positions of stakeholders are respected by formulating and disclosing the SoftBank Group CSR Principles, the SoftBank Group Code of Conduct, the Human Rights Policy, and the Environmental Policy, and by ensuring that the Group and its officers and employees comply with these standards. SBG has also formulated the Supplier Code of Conduct and calls on suppliers of the Company to conduct business based on high ethical standards.

Ensuring appropriate information disclosure and transparency (General principle 3)

SBG appropriately discloses both financial and non-financial information in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Furthermore, SBG also strives to actively provide information beyond that required by laws and regulations and the Tokyo Stock Exchange when necessary by carefully considering the impact on investors and other stakeholders. In either case, the Board of Directors strives to ensure that SBG's information disclosure is always fair, clear, and useful.

Responsibilities of the Board (General principle 4)

SBG’s Board of Directors consists of nine Board Directors, including five External Board Directors (of whom four are designated Independent External Board Directors). Given its fiduciary responsibility and accountability to shareholders, SBG's Board of Directors strives to maximize enterprise value by thoroughly engaging all Board Directors, in timely and appropriate discussions of the Board meeting agenda to consider the entire group's management strategy over the medium to long term. The Board also strives to achieve proactive and bold management strategies while controlling risks. The Board of Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members, and Audit & Supervisory Board strive to ensure their transparency by carrying out highly effective oversight of management.

Dialogue with shareholders (General principle 5)

SBG proactively engages in constructive dialogues with shareholders and investors in order to contribute to maximizing enterprise value. Through these dialogues, SBG strives to further develop mutual understanding and foster relationships of trust and to carry out management giving due consideration to their opinions.
