Company Info

IR Activities

As part of the strengthening of corporate governance system, SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) is working to promote active information disclosure and enhance communication in its IR activities.

Basic policy on disclosure

SBG appropriately discloses both financial and non-financial information in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and the rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Furthermore, SBG also strives to actively provide information beyond that required by these rules when necessary by carefully considering the impact on investors and other stakeholders. In either case, the Board of Directors strives to ensure that SBG's information disclosure is always fair, clear, and useful.

Disclosure standards

SBG strives to ensure timely and appropriate disclosure of information according to the statutory disclosure requirements based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and other relevant acts and ordinances, and as required by the Rules on Timely Disclosure set by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. SBG also discloses critical information that is not subject to either statutory disclosure or timely disclosure requirements but could potentially affect investment decisions. This information is disclosed in a fair and prompt manner so as to give all the stakeholders equal access to it.

Methods of disclosure

SBG discloses information required by the timely disclosure regulations through TDnet (Timely Disclosure network) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and also releases information to the press immediately. Information that is disclosed on TDnet or by other means is also promptly posted on its website.

Information disclosure system

SBG conducts timely disclosure with the Investor Relations Department as the responsible department. Group Company Management Regulations of SoftBank Group set forth matters to be reported to the Investor Relations Department related to timely disclosure, including required reporting times and procedures. When timely disclosure is necessary, the Investor Relations Department prepares timely disclosure materials in close coordination with related departments such as Accounting, Finance, Legal, and General Administration and swiftly conducts timely disclosure under the approval of the general manager of the Investor Relations Department.

Matters subject to timely disclosure requirements relating to earnings results are compiled into a disclosure document by the Accounting Department and relevant departments based on information collected from group companies. The general manager of the Accounting Department is responsible for preparation of the disclosure document related to earnings results. The document is swiftly disclosed under the approval of the Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President in charge.

  • Important matters subject to timely disclosure

    from bottom upward, [SBG departments and group companies] Report and Consult, next [Investor Relations] Judge whether the matter raised requires timely disclosure, Prepare the disclosure documents, next [Relevant departments] Confirm content, etc., next [General Manager of the Investor Relations Department] Approve, next [Tokyo Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange], next [Shareholders and investors]
  • Matters subject to timely disclosure requirements relating to earnings results

    from bottom upward, [SBG departments and group companies] Provide information, next [Accounting and concerned departments] Compile into a disclosure document, next [General Manager of Accounting (Responsible for preparation of the disclosure document)], next [Senior Vice President in charge] Approve, next [Tokyo Stock Exchange, Singapore Exchange], next [Shareholders and investors]

Disclosure documents

The following IR materials (including related areas) are posted on SBG’s website. Items (a) through (e) and (g) through (k) are posted in both Japanese and English, of which (a) through (e), (g), (h), and (k) are posted in Japanese and English at the same time.

Quiet period

SBG observes a quiet period of one month prior to an earnings results announcement date to prevent divulging earnings information and to ensure fairness. During this quiet period, SBG cannot comment on or answer any inquiries about earnings results. If any event that arises during a quiet period is subject to timely disclosure, however, SBG promptly discloses the information as appropriate.

IR activities

SBG makes continuous efforts to enhance communication with shareholders and investors, through briefings held as appropriate and responding to inquiries daily.

General Meeting of Shareholders

Early notification of General Meeting of Shareholders

SBG dispatched the Notice for the 44th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on June 21, 2024 on the statutory dispatch date, and posted it on its website six days before being dispatched.

Scheduling AGMs avoiding the peak day

To allow a greater number of the shareholders to attend, SBG schedules the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on off-peak days when meetings of many other companies are not concentrated.

Allowing electronic exercise of voting rights

A system for executing voting rights through the Internet has been in place since 2002, the 22nd Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Participation in electronic voting platform

SBG has participated in the Electronic Voting Platform for institutional and other investors since the start of the service in 2006, the 26th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.

Providing convocation notice in English

SBG prepares an English translation of the full text of its Notice of Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and promptly posts it on its website following the disclosure of the Japanese version. Furthermore, SBG provides the English translation of the Notice to the voting platform.

Initiatives to promote understanding

At the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, SBG uses video footage to report on its operations to help shareholders to better understand the results of operations and the status of its businesses. Representative Director, Corporate Officer, Chairman & CEO, who chairs the meeting, explains the Company's corporate philosophy and vision as well as its medium to long term business strategies in addition to reporting on legally mandated items.

The Notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders provides shareholders with a greater volume of information to use in exercising their voting rights. To facilitate easy reading, the information in the notice is illustrated with charts and color photographs.

Disclosure of voting results

The voting results for proposals at the General Meeting of Shareholders are posted in an Extraordinary Report on EDINET, as well as being posted in both Japanese and English on SBG's website.

Utilization of the Internet

SBG offers the option of attending the Annual General Meetings of Shareholders via the Internet, and provides live webcasts of the Annual General Meetings of Shareholders on the Internet, which are available at a later date as archived streaming on its website.

Regular briefings for retail investors

SBG is vigorously working on IR activities targeting retail investors. In fiscal 2023, briefing sessions for retail investors were held twice in-person and three times online.

Regular briefings for analysts and institutional investors

Earnings results briefings

On the days when quarterly earnings results are announced, SBG holds earnings results briefings for the media, analysts, and institutional investors. The Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO delivers an overview of the earnings results and explains the Company’s business strategies. Following the earnings result briefing, SBG holds briefings for analysts and institutional investors. At briefing sessions for investors, the Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO and the Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President, Head of Accounting Unit provide detailed explanations of earnings results, the CFO of the managing company of SoftBank Vision Funds provides explanations of the funds’ investment performance, and the IR officer at Arm Holdings plc, a listed subsidiary, provides an overview of its earnings results. Videos of the briefings and the contents of the Q&A sessions are published on SBG’s website.


In March 2024, the first Arm business briefing was held for analysts and institutional investors after the listing of Arm Holdings plc.

Regular briefings for overseas investors

Overseas IR activities

SBG participates in conferences held by securities companies, and the Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO provides explanations and conducts Q&A sessions concerning business and financial strategies. SBG’s IR personnel in each of the Tokyo, the U.S., and the UK offices also explain its business and financial strategies to institutional investors.

Earnings results conference calls

On the days when quarterly earnings results are announced, SBG conducts a conference call primarily for institutional investors overseas. The Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO delivers an overview of the earnings results, explains the Company’s business strategies, and holds a Q&A. The contents of the Q&A sessions are published on SBG’s website.


SBG provides live webcasts of earnings results briefings and the Annual General Meetings of Shareholders in English on its website. VOD is made available after them. On the days when quarterly earnings results are announced, a video message in English is also delivered to overseas investors from the Board Director, Corporate Officer, Senior Vice President & CFO.