Approval given to BB Backbone Corporation as Type 1 Telecommunications Carrier

BB Backbone Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “BB Backbone” / Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayoshi Son) a wholly owned subsidiary of BB Technologies Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “BB Technologies” / head office: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President: Masayoshi Son), which provides infrastructure, infrastructure management, technology development and support to the broadband service Yahoo! BB filed an application as a Type 1 Telecommunications Carrier with the Minister of Public Management, Home Affairs, Posts and Telecommunications and received notification that the Ministry will officially grant a license as of May 29 based on the report of the Telecommunications Council held on May 23, 2002. This report is probably the first to be made since amendment of the ministerial ordinance to simplify the process for licensing exclusive wholesale telecommunications carriers.

The license of a Type 1 Telecommunications Carrier for exclusive wholesale telecommunications business that BB Backbone will obtain covers only the wholesale business of telecommunication networks. BB Backbone is planning to make the optical fibers owned by municipalities, public enterprises, etc. available for use to telecommunication service providers including BB Technologies from April 2003 to promote utilization of dark fibers* (optical fibers which are not yet utilized) and offer the support of the fast and flexible construction of networks according to telecommunication business carriers’ business plans. As a result, low cost optical fibers will readily be available for telecommunication business carriers who are to be the customers of BB Backbone, so that they will be able to expand their service areas and frequency bandwidths.

BB Backbone will devote itself to promoting a broadband revolution in Japan, contributing to a more rich and comfortable life for people through promotion of effective and impartial utilization of optical fibers owned by municipalities and public enterprises thus providing telecommunications business carriers a wide range of infrastructures from which to choose.


Profile of BB Backbone Corporation

Corporate NameBB Backbone Corporation
Head officeHakozaki-cho 24-1, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to
Representative DirectorMasayoshi Son
Date establishedFebruary 2002
Capital10,000,000 yen
OwnershipBB Technologies Corporation 100%
  • 1. Type 1 telecommunications carrier stipulated in the telecommunications business law
  • 2. Internet connection service

Profile of BB Technologies Corporation

Corporate NameBB Technologies Corporation
Head officeHakozaki-cho 24-1, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo-to
Representative DirectorMasayoshi Son
Date establishedMay 2000
Capital3,000,000,000 yen
SOFTBANK Broadmedia Corporation
Yahoo Japan Corporation
NC Broadband KK
  • 1. Construction, suppuly and management of ADSL infrastructures
  • 2. Technology development
  • 3. Technology support
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