Three-month Period of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2010 (April 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009) Consolidated Financial Highlights

Three-month Period of the Fiscal Year Ending March 2010
(April 1, 2009 to June 30, 2009) Consolidated Financial Highlights

1. Consolidated Statements of Income

Record high operating income on quarterly basis exceeded 100.0 billion yen.

  • Consolidated net sales were 666.3 billion yen (19.0 billion yen or 2.9% increase year-on-year)
    There was an increase in telecom service revenue and handset sales at SOFTBANK MOBILE Corp., this contributed to the revenue increase of the Mobile Communications segment
  • Operating income of 108.2 billion yen (23.2 billion yen or 27.3% increase year-on-year). Exceeded 100.0 billion yen operating income on quarterly basis for the first time
  • Ordinary income was 78.7 billion yen (24.5 billion yen or 45.2% increase year-on-year)
  • Net income was 27.3 billion yen (8.0 billion yen or 41.4% increase year-on-year)

2. Segment Information

Achieved growth in both net sales and operating income at Mobile Communications segment due to increase in telecom service revenue and handset sales.

Mobile Communications
  • Net sales were 407.3 billion yen (34.7 billion yen or 9.3% increase year-on-year)
    Achieved growth in both net sales and operating income due to increase in telecom revenue and handset sales
  • Operating income was 60.2 billion yen (15.9 billion yen or 36.1% increase year-on-year)
Broadband Infrastructure
  • Net sales were 53.8 billion yen (6.3 billion yen or 10.5% decrease year-on-year)
  • Operating income was 13.9 billion yen (3.4 billion yen or 32.7% increase year-on-year)
Fixed-line Telecommunications
  • Net sales were 86.7 billion yen (1.6 billion yen or 1.9% decrease year-on-year)
  • Operating income was 3.4 billion yen (2.6 billion yen or 337.6% increase year-on-year)
Internet Culture
  • Net sales were 65.1 billion yen (2.8 billion yen or 4.5% increase year-on-year)
  • Operating income was 31.7 billion yen (1.1 billion yen or 3.8% increase year-on-year)

3. Consolidated Balance Sheets / Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows

Improved free cash flow by 94.4 billion yen year-on-year.

  • Total assets were 4,327.3 billion yen (59.3 billion yen or 1.4% decrease from the end of the previous fiscal year)
  • Total liabilities were 3,458.2 billion yen (103.6 billion yen or 2.9% decrease from the end of the previous fiscal year)
  • Total equity was 869.1 billion yen (44.3 billion yen or 5.4% increase from the end of the previous fiscal year)
  • Shareholders' equity ratio was 9.5% (1.0 percentage point improvement from the end of the previous fiscal year)
  • Net cash provided by operating activities was 132.0 billion yen (compared to 52.8 billion yen provided in the same period of the previous fiscal year)
  • Net cash used in investing activities was 75.5 billion yen (compared to 90.7 billion yen used in the same period of the previous fiscal year)
  • Free cash flow *1 was 56.5 billion yen positive (compared to 37.8 billion yen negative in the same period of the previous fiscal year)
  • Net cash used in financing activities was 31.3 billion yen (compared to 32.2 billion yen used in financing activities in the same period of the previous fiscal year)
  • *1 The combined net cash flow from operating activities and investing activities

4. Mobile Communications Segment: Key Indicators

No. 1 in net additions in subscribers for 26 consecutive months.

  • Total number of subscribers as of the end of June 2009 was 20.95 million (1.84 million or 9.7 % increase year-on-year)
  • No. 1 in net additions for 26 consecutive months since May 2007
  • 3G ratio as of the end of June 2009 was 92.8% (13.7 percentage point increase year-on-year)
  • Total ARPU *2 for the first quarter was 4,030 yen, a significant improvement since the last quarter of the previous fiscal year, and back to the 4,000 yen level
  • Voice ARPU (basic monthly charge and voice charge) for the first quarter was 2,150 yen (an increase of 130 yen from the last quarter of the previous fiscal year)
  • Data ARPU for the first quarter was 1,880 yen (an increase of 60 yen from the last quarter of the previous fiscal year)
  • The churn rate for the first quarter was 1.05% ( 0.08 percentage point improvement from the last quarter of the previous fiscal year)
  • The upgrade rate for the first quarter was 1.73% ( 0.25 percentage point decrease from the last quarter of the previous fiscal year)
  • *2 Average Revenue Per User
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