Partial Correction of Consolidated Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2010

SOFTBANK CORP. (hereafter “the Company”) announces that it has made the following corrections in the notes to the financial statements of its consolidated financial report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010 which was disclosed on April 27, 2010.

Corrections are marked.

Please refer to the following Company's website for the corrected consolidated financial report.

Corrected Items

4. Consolidated Financial Statements
(7) Notes

(Financial Instruments)
Page 55: 2. Fair value of financial instruments

[Before revision]

The carrying amounts on the consolidated balance sheets, fair value, and differences as of March 31, 2010 are as follows. In addition, financial instruments, of which it is extremely difficult to measure the fair value, are not included. (Please see “Notes 2. Financial instruments of which the fair value is extremely difficult to measure”)

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2010
Carrying Amount Fair value Differences
(1) Cash and deposit 690,053 690,053
(2) Notes and accounts receivable-trade 816,550
Allowance for doubtful accounts *1 (32,801)
Notes and accounts receivable-trade, net 783,748 783,748
(3)Marketable securities and investment securities
[1] Held-to-maturity debt securities 1,499 1,344 (155)
[2] Other securities 148,777 148,777
Total 1,624,079 1,623,923 (155)
(Notes are omitted.)
[After revision]

The carrying amounts on the consolidated balance sheets, fair value, and differences as of March 31, 2010 are as follows. In addition, financial instruments, of which it is extremely difficult to measure the fair value, are not included. (Please see “Notes 2. Financial instruments of which the fair value is extremely difficult to measure”)

(Millions of yen)
As of March 31, 2010
Carrying Amount Fair value Differences
(1) Cash and deposit 690,053 690,053
(2) Notes and accounts receivable-trade 816,550
Allowance for doubtful accounts *1 (32,801)
Notes and accounts receivable-trade, net 783,748 783,748
(3)Marketable securities and investment securities
[1] Held-to-maturity debt securities 1,499 1,344 (155)
[2] Investments in unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies 8,639 19,274 10,635
[3] Other securities 148,777 148,777
Total 1,632,718 1,643,198 10,480
(Notes are omitted.)

Page 57: Notes 2. Financial instruments of which the fair value is extremely difficult to measure.

[Before revision]
(Millions of yen)
Classification Carrying Amounts
Unlisted equity securities 68,241
Investments in partnerships 6,827
Total 75,068
[After revision]
(Millions of yen)
Classification Carrying Amounts
Unlisted investment securities of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliated companies 140,386
Unlisted equity securities 68,241
Investments in partnerships 6,827
Total 215,454

(Investment in Debt and Equity Securities)
Page 60: As of March 31, 2010

3. Marketable and investment securities sold during the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010

[Before revision]
(Millions of yen)
Securities Sales Price Gain on sales Loss on sales
(1) Equity securities 1,437 803 226
(2) Others 3,049 56
Total 4,487 860 226
[After revision]
(Millions of yen)
Securities Sales Price Gain on sales Loss on sales
(1) Equity securities 1,437 803 226
(2) Others 3,049 56
Total 4,487 860 226

Note: Sales price of JPY 760 million, gain on sales of JPY 580 million, and loss on sales of JPY 57 million for financial instruments of which the fair value is extremely difficult to measure are included in the amounts above.

4. Marketable and investment securities impaired

[Before revision]

Certain marketable and investment securities are impaired, and valuation loss on investment securities of JPY 5,167 million is recorded for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.

[After revision]

Certain marketable and investment securities are impaired, and valuation loss on investment securities of JPY 5,167 million (valuation loss on investment securities, of which the fair value is extremely difficult to measure, of JPY 3,183 million is included) is recorded for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2010.

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