Accept Applications for ‘SOFTBANK Academia’

SOFTBANK CORP. (hereafter ‘the Company’) announces to start accepting applications from outside of the Company for ‘SOFTBANK Academia’, which aims to discover and train a successor of Masayoshi Son, a founder of the Company. Details are as follows.

1. Outline of SOFTBANK Academia

Purpose Discover and train a successor of Masayoshi Son, SOFTBANK Group Representative
Venue Head office of SOFTBANK CORP.
(Tokyo Shiodome Bldg. 1-9-1 Higashi-Shimbashi Minato-ku, Tokyo)
Course 1) Global CEO Course, and 2) Domestic CEO Course
Content Implement several programs to discover and train a successor, for example participants are asked to give a presentation based on a certain theme, and Mr. Son and other participants evaluate and give feedbacks.

2. Required talent

Person who aims to become a successor of Masayoshi Son

  • Person who is highly motivated for Information Revolution
  • Person who can attract many people
  • Person who has proud experiences and achievements

3. Guidelines for applicants

Age 20 to 50
Recruiting number of people 30 (tentative)
Registration period July 28, 2010 to October 6, 2010 *
Application period After registration to October 11, 2010 *
Result announcement To be announced from mid February, 2011
Class starts April, 2011
How to apply

Please contact us via email below. Entry Application Form will be sent to you by return email.

  • * The deadline has been postponed on August 9th, 2010.

4. Screening process

1) Registration, 2) Application, 3) First qualifying round (3-minute presentation), 4) Second qualifying round (5-minute presentation), 5) Final review (10-minute presentation and interview by Masayoshi Son, 6) Result announcement

  • * All applicants are required to give a presentation from the first qualifying round. Theme and style of a presentation can be freely decided by an applicant.

5. Inquires

Secretariat of SOFTBANK Academia (

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