Dividend Payout (Interim Dividend)

SoftBank Corp.

SoftBank Corp. announces that its Board of Directors resolved the matter of implementation of interim dividend on October 23, 2014. This applies to shareholders on record as of the base date of September 30, 2014. No amendments are made to the forecast of dividends announced in the “SoftBank Corp. consolidated financial report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2014” dated May 7, 2014.

1. Details of dividend

 Resolution ContentLatest Forecast (Announced on May 7, 2014)(Reference) Actual for Fiscal Year Ended March 2014
Six-month PeriodYear-end
Base dateSeptember 30, 2014Same as on the leftSeptember 30, 2013March 31, 2014
Dividend per shareJPY 20.00Same as on the leftJPY 20.00JPY 20.00
Total amount of dividendsJPY 23,778 million-JPY 23,839 millionJPY 23,769 million
Effective dateDecember 15, 2014-December 16, 2013June 23, 2014
Resource of dividendRetained earnings-Retained earnings
  • *Total amount of dividends is rounded to the nearest unit.

2. Dividend breakdown

 Dividend per Share
Base DateSix-month PeriodYear-endTotal
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 (forecast)-JPY 20.00JPY 40.00
Fiscal year ending March 31, 2015 dividendJPY 20.00--
Fiscal year ended March 31, 2014 dividendJPY 20.00JPY 20.00JPY 40.00
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