Transfer of Shares of Yahoo Japan Corporation

SoftBank Group Corp.

SoftBank Group Corp. (“SBG”) announces that as of June 1, 2017 it has transferred all of its directly-owned shares in Yahoo Japan Corporation (“Yahoo Japan”) to SoftBank Group International GK (“SBGI”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of SBG (the “Transfer”).

1. Outline of the Transfer

As announced in “Reorganization of Group Companies” dated March 7, 2016, and “Merger of Subsidiaries” dated January 25, 2017, SBG is transferring its investment securities in phases to SBGI, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SBG. As a part of this effort, on June 1, 2017, SBG transferred all of its directly-owned shares in Yahoo Japan (36.4%* of Yahoo Japan's issued shares) to SBGI. The shares in Yahoo Japan held by SBG's wholly-owned subsidiary SBBM Corporation (6.6% of Yahoo Japan's issued shares) will not be transferred to SBGI, but remain in SBBM Corporation.

  • Based on the total number of shares issued of 5,695,577,600 as of March 31, 2017, and rounded to one decimal place. The same applies to holding ratio of Yahoo Japan shares hereinbelow.

2. Outline of Yahoo Japan

(1) Trade name:Yahoo Japan Corporation
(2) Address:1-3 Kioicho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
(3) Name and title of representative:Manabu Miyasaka, President and Representative Director
(4) Nature of business:Internet advertising, e-Commerce, membership services, and other businesses
(5) Share capital:8,428 million yen (as of March 31, 2017)
(6) Founded:January 31, 1996
(7) Principal shareholders and their shareholding ratio:
(as of March 31, 2017)
SoftBank Group Corp.: 36.4%,
YAHOO INC.: 35.6%,
SBBM Corporation: 6.6%
(8) Relationship with SBG:Capital:SBG holds 43.0% of its shares including indirect ownership as of March 31, 2017.
Personnel:Masayoshi Son, chairman and CEO of SBG, Ken Miyauchi, representative director, president & COO of SBG, and Kazuhiko Fujihara, executive corporate officer of SBG, also serve as directors of the company.
Business:SoftBank Corp., a subsidiary of SBG, and Yahoo Japan have transactions on ad placements and use of communications services, etc.
(9) Consolidated operating results and financial position in the past 3 years (IFRSs)
Fiscal year ended March 2015Fiscal year ended March 2016Fiscal year ended March 2017
Net sales428,487652,327853,730
Operating income197,212224,997192,049
Net income attributable to
owners of the parent
Total equity740,554912,764998,709
Total assets1,007,6021,342,7991,534,212
Net income per share (JPY)23.3730.1523.99
Dividend per share (JPY)8.868.868.86

Units: millions of yen, excluding net income per share and dividend per share. Amounts less than one million yen are omitted.

3. Outline of SBGI

(1) Trade name:SoftBank Group International GK
(2) Address:1-9-1 Higashi-shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(3) Name and title of representative:Masayoshi Son, Chairman
Ken Miyauchi, President
(4) Nature of business:Intermediate holding company
(5) Share capital:22 million yen (as of March 31, 2017)
(6) Founded:January 26, 2001
(7) Shareholder's equity:407,950 million yen (as of March 31, 2017)
(8) Total assets:1,244,952 million yen (as of March 31, 2017)
(9) Principal shareholders and their shareholding ratio:SBG: 100%
(10) Relationship with SBG:Capital:SBG holds 100% of its shares.
Personnel:Masayoshi Son, chairman and CEO of SBG, and Ken Miyauchi, representative director, president & COO of SBG, also serve as representatives of the company.

4. Impact on SBG's Consolidated Financial Statements

A gain or loss on the sale of shares in conjunction with the Transaction will not be recognized in SBG's consolidated financial results.

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