
Environmental Initiatives

Environment Management

Our stance on the environment

To create a world where people can live in harmony with the earth, SoftBank Group defines our vision as to help shape the next 300 years for our future generations and the planet. In practice, from a sustainability standpoint, we aim to leverage breakthrough technologies to resolve environmental issues, including energy problems. Based on the recognition that the maintenance and preservation of the global environment is the foundation of the Group's sustainability and growth, we established the “Environmental Policy” as a group policy in May 2021. We require all SoftBank Group directors, officers and employees to understand the Policy and will ask stakeholders, such as investees and business partners to respond in the same way.

Environmental Policy

The SoftBank Group's “Environmental Policy” sets out the principles to take the global environment into consideration when conducting corporate activities. This policy was decided by a resolution of SoftBank Group Corp.'s Board of Directors and it requires all directors, officers and employees of the SoftBank Group to be aware of the need to reduce the burden on the global environment in all business activities, to conserve resources and energy, to improve energy efficiency and make effective use of resources in order to achieve harmony between mankind and nature, and to maintain biodiversity and contribute to the continuous improvement of the global environment. We will communicate with SoftBank Group stakeholders to promote business activities in consideration of the global environment.

Approach to environmental issues

SoftBank Group monitors its environmental performance, including data on greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption in the course of its business operations, and discloses the results annually. In cooperation with our stakeholders, we are promoting initiatives contributing to solve environmental issues, such as addressing climate change and enhancing energy efficiency.

Furthermore, major operational bases of SoftBank Corp. have established and operated an environmental management system (EMS) under the International Organization for Standardization’s ISO14001 Standards. SoftBank Corp. performs the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle on a timely basis in our environmental management system and continuously makes improvements based on the level of impact that its business activities have on the environment. The company has strived to comply with environmental laws and regulations. There were no violations of environmental laws and regulations in fiscal 2022.

Enhanced environmental awareness

SoftBank Group established the “SoftBank Group Code of Conduct,” which specifies that we are committed to:

· Introduce innovative solutions that provide a positive environmental and social impact.

· Lead globally and act locally to reduce and improve our impact on the environment.

· Conduct our business activities with consideration for the global environment and the effective utilization of limited natural resources.

SoftBank Group has thoroughly disseminated the Code of Conduct to all Group employees. Specifically, we require employees to consider the environment in our everyday work, including control and reduction of the emission of greenhouse gases and handling of industrial waste. SoftBank Group also regularly provides training sessions to promote the understanding of the Code of Conduct. In addition, SoftBank Corp. conducts e-learning-based environmental education to provide employees with basic knowledge concerning environmental conservation and raise their awareness. Additionally, the company provides practical training for employees involved in industrial waste processing that equips them with the knowledge they need to comply with laws and regulations and perform appropriate disposal. The company delivers this training through e-learning-based instruction concerning proper industrial waste disposal and electronic manifest systems. This environmental e-learning content can be used on iPads and iPhones, facilitating the effective use of employee time.

Environmentally-friendly supply chain

In order to promote environmentally-friendly business activities, the SoftBank Group has formulated ethical standards for the environment in its “Supplier Code of Conduct,” and require suppliers to work in accordance with the ethical standards set forth in the Code. The SoftBank Group will proactively undertake relevant environmentally-friendly corporate activities through partnership with our stakeholders.

Efforts to Address Climate Change

Our stance on climate change

Natural disasters caused by climate change are becoming more severe every year and urgent action to climate change mitigation and adaptation is required. The SoftBank Group recognizes the importance of addressing climate change and is making group-wide efforts to provide the society with new and innovative technologies that contribute to solving climate change.

Climate-related Information Disclosures in accordance with the TCFD Recommendations

SoftBank Group Corp. disclosed its climate-related governance, risk management, strategy, metrics and targets in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

For our major subsidiaries’ climate-related information disclosures in accordance with the TCFD recommendations and similar regulations, please refer to the websites of each company.

Arm Holdings plc plans to make its disclosure in fiscal 2024.

Commitment to achieve Carbon Neutrality by fiscal 2030

The SoftBank Group is making efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business activities. The majority of the SoftBank Group’s greenhouse gas emissions come from the use of electricity. Therefore, as a step forward to achieve Carbon Neutrality, the SoftBank Group mainly focuses on a shift to electricity generated from renewable energy sources. Meanwhile, electricity and energy-saving measures utilizing IoT are also implemented at the head office building and data centers.

Group target

SoftBank Group Corp. set a group target*1 as below in June 2022 and aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from business activities of the SoftBank Group to net zero by fiscal 2030.

Group target*1Achieve Carbon Neutrality by fiscal 2030

Greenhouse gas emission reduction plan to achieve Group target

In March 2024, SoftBank Group Corp. formulated and disclosed a plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the Group target, which is reviewed when required. SoftBank Group Corp. and its major subsidiaries are undertaking greenhouse gas emissions reduction initiatives in accordance with this plan.

As of July 2024

(Base year)
591,508*2530,255516,062492,019466,930442,8280SBG+Major subsidiaries*1

Targets of SoftBank Group Corp. and major subsidiaries

SoftBank Group Corp. has achieved Carbon Neutrality*3 since fiscal 2020. In addition, major subsidiaries have also set their own targets regarding greenhouse gas emission reduction, undertaking various initiatives to achieve the targets.

Targets and progress in fiscal 2022 at SoftBank Group Corp. and major subsidiaries

As of end of June 2023

TargetProgress in fiscal 2022
SoftBank Group Corp.Achieved Carbon Neutrality in fiscal 2020 (and continues to be carbon neutral today)*3
SoftBank Corp.・Achieve Carbon Neutrality in its group by fiscal 2030*3
・Achieve Net Zero in its group by fiscal 2050*4
Sourced 72.1% renewable energy for electricity used at base stations
Z Holdings Corporation*5Achieve Carbon Neutrality in its group by fiscal 2030*3Sourced 52.7% renewable energy for its group’s energy consumption
Yahoo Japan Corporation*5100% shift to renewable electricity by fiscal 2023Sourced 82.9% renewable energy for electricity consumption
Arm Limited・100% shift to renewable electricity in it’s group by 2023
・Achieve Net Zero in its group by 2030*4
Sourced 100% renewable energy for its group’s electricity used in business activities
  1. Applies to greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2) from the business activities of SBG and its major subsidiaries (in principle, “Principal Subsidiaries” in the Annual Securities Report, but there are some exceptions for reasons such as regulations)

  2. The results for the base year (FY2022) have been recalculated based on the boundary reflecting changes in major subsidiaries. For the past results and their boundaries, please refer to the "ESG data”.

  3. Applies to greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and 2)

  4. Applies to greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2, and 3)

  5. On October 1, 2023, Z Holdings Corporation, as the surviving company, completed an intra-group reorganization involving mainly itself and two of its core wholly-owned subsidiaries, LINE Corporation and Yahoo Japan Corporation, and changed its trade name to LY Corporation.

Efficient use of energy and increased reliance on renewable energy

Recognizing the importance of efficient and sustainable use of energy and resources, the SoftBank Group is working to reduce the use of energy and resources and actively introduce renewable energy.

Switching to renewable energy sources in company headquarters (SoftBank Group Corp. and SoftBank Corp.)

The SoftBank Group has set a target for SoftBank Group Corp. and major subsidiaries to achieve carbon neutrality in Scope 1 and 2 by FY2030. As part of this initiative, since September 2022, SoftBank Group Corp. and SoftBank Corp. have switched to using renewable energy* at the company headquarters, “Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Office Tower,” where they are located.

In addition, the building is equipped with energy-saving technologies, such as LED lighting that uses motion sensors to automatically adjust brightness, and blinds that open and close automatically to optimize air conditioning, in an effort to ensure the efficient use of energy.

  • Electricity supplied from net 100% renewable energy from combining non-fossil certificates designated as renewable energy

Tokyo Portcity Takeshiba Office Tower

Using renewable energy for base station power consumption (SoftBank Corp.)

SoftBank Corp. is promoting the conversion of base station power consumption to renewable energy to achieve its commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2030. SoftBank Corp. purchases electricity from renewable energy* from SB Power Corp., a subsidiary of the company that operates an electricity retail business. At the end of fiscal 2022, more than 72% of the electricity used at base stations has already been provided by renewable energy*. The company plans to increase the ratio to 80% or more in fiscal 2023.

  • Electricity supplied from effectively 100% renewable energy, with zero net CO₂ emissions, achieved by combining non-fossil certificates designated as renewable energy.

Data Center Energy Efficiency and Conversion to Renewable Energy (Yahoo Japan Corporation*1)

Yahoo Japan Corporation is actively switching electricity which is a major factor of CO₂ emissions in Scope 1 and 2. In its major data centers in Japan, the corporation has been installing air conditioning systems that use outside air for exhaust heat treatment of servers, and has been working to significantly reduce electricity consumption. The company has sequentially switched its power used in Kita-Kyushu Data Center and Shirakawa Data Center to renewable energy*2 from fiscal 2021.

  1. On October 1, 2023, Z Holdings Corporation, as the surviving company, completed an intra-group reorganization involving mainly itself and two of its core wholly owned subsidiaries, LINE Corporation and Yahoo Japan Corporation, and changed its trade name to LY Corporation.

  2. Electricity from 100% renewable energy sources using FIT Non-fossil Fuel Energy Certificates with Tracking Information, etc

Developing technologies and providing services to contribute to the mitigation of climate change

Contributing to the reduction of environmental burden with next-generation batteries through the development of a battery pack for stratosphere-based high-altitude platform stations (HAPS) (SoftBank Corp.)

SoftBank Corp. is promoting R&D to achieve practical application of next-generation batteries that can reduce environmental burden, with the SoftBank Next-generation Battery Lab and the Research Institute of Advanced Technology as the focal points of these efforts.
In March 2023, SoftBank Corp. developed a battery pack for stratosphere-based high-altitude platform stations (HAPS) using a high-specific energy lithium-metal battery cell developed jointly with Enpower Japan Corp. HAPS is a general term for telecommunications service systems that deliver telecommunications services in broad areas using unmanned aircraft equipped with telecommunications base stations that circle the stratosphere. The implementation of HAPS enables telecommunications services to be delivered in challenging areas such as mountainous areas and remote islands lacking a telecommunication network, developing nations, and zones afflicted by earthquakes, typhoons, and other natural disasters. Working in cooperation with ENAX Inc., SoftBank Corp. succeeded in reducing the weight of the HAPS battery pack components, bringing the companies much closer to building a battery pack with a specific energy of 300 Wh/kg, equivalent to the highest value achieved with conventional lithium-ion batteries. A charge-discharge cycle test of the battery pack conducted in the United States in February 2023 demonstrated successful operation in stratospheric conditions, a first for such battery packs.

Provision of a feature that displays CO₂ emissions for searched routes and enables selection of an environmentally friendly route (Yahoo Japan Corporation*1)

With effect from February 2023, Yahoo Japan Corporation introduced a feature enabling users to check the CO₂ emissions of searched routes and select environmentally friendly route options. This feature was made available in the Yahoo! Map*2 map application, the Yahoo! Car Navigation car navigation application, the Yahoo! Transit transit route navigation application.
Yahoo! Map and Yahoo! Car Navigation provide CO₂ emissions estimates that closely reflect actual circumstances by utilizing distance, incline, and other data as a basis for calculating estimated emissions. In addition, Yahoo! Car Navigation allows users to enter details such as vehicle weight and power classification (e.g., gasoline or hybrid). As for Yahoo! Transit, apart from displaying CO₂ emissions for searched routes, it also displays the difference in emissions when traveling by automobile as compared to by train, thus enabling users to be aware of how much traveling by train contributes to reducing emissions. Further, an ECO mark is placed next to the route with the lowest emissions so that users may see the most environmentally friendly option at a single glance.

Image as of February 2023

  1. On October 1, 2023, Z Holdings Corporation, as the surviving company, completed an intra-group reorganization involving mainly itself and two of its core wholly owned subsidiaries, LINE Corporation and Yahoo Japan Corporation, and changed its trade name to LY Corporation.

  2. As of June 28, 2023, Yahoo Japan Corporation has changed and consolidated the Yahoo! MAP and Yahoo!地図 map applications under the name Yahoo!マップ

Developing energy-efficient technology

Semiconductor architecture that improves energy efficiency (Arm Limited)

With accelerated growth in shipments of Arm-based chips, Arm Limited architecture is found in an ever-greater range of applications, from smartphones and home appliances to vehicles and servers. Arm Limited recognizes its responsibility to develop energy-efficient designs and believes that it could be one of the solutions for helping to cut global energy consumption.

Arm Limited has developed numerous technologies that combine exceptional processing with energy efficiency. One example is Arm Ethos-U55, which provides up to 90% energy reduction for machine learning workloads on IoT devices compared to its predecessor. Another is Arm Cortex-A715, which delivers 20% power efficiency improvements to consumer markets compared to its predecessor.

Promoting decarbonization through initiatives

Establishment and operation of Renewable Energy Council and GDC Renewable Energy Council (SoftBank Group Corp.)

In response to the energy crisis caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11, 2011, SoftBank Group Corp., together with prefectures across Japan, established the “Renewable Energy Council” in July 2011. In addition to the Renewable Energy Council, SoftBank Group Corp., together with government-designated cities across Japan, also established the “GDC Renewable Energy Council” in the same month. Both Councils aim to promote and expand the use of renewable energy which is a reliable, safe, and sustainable new energy source. Since then, SoftBank Group Corp. has been involved in the operation of both Councils from a neutral standpoint as the secretariat. The Renewable Energy Council and the GDC Renewable Energy Council, led by municipalities from 34 prefectures and all 20 government-designated cities, respectively, are working actively with companies and organizations which endorse each Council’s principle towards the promotion and expansion of renewable energy.

Since their establishment in 2011, both Councils have made several policy proposals to the government that contribute to the promotion and expansion of renewable energy. These include setting renewable energy targets as well as developing and revising energy related systems and regulations that take into account regional characteristics. For instance, the phrase “Renewable Energy as Major Power Source”, has been included in both Council’s policy proposals for several years. The Japanese government’s 6th Strategic Energy Plan, approved in 2021, states that renewable energy will be introduced to its maximum extent at the highest priority as the major power source. Moreover, the 22-24% renewable energy target of Japan’s fiscal 2030 energy mix stated in the 5th Strategic Energy Plan in 2018 has been raised to 36-38% in the 6th Strategic Energy Plan. Renewable energy is now positioned as one of the most important power sources to achieve Japan's 2050 Carbon Neutral Goal. Both Councils plan to continue offering policy proposals to the government several times a year in order to further address climate change through the promotion and expansion of renewable energy.

Furthermore, the two Councils hold events for the municipality members and corporate members, including seminars by government policy makers and experts in the field of renewable energy, as well as workshops and discussion sessions among the members to share good practices and issues regarding renewable energy. At such occasions, the Councils aim to incorporate diverse perspectives, covering not only policy analysis but also case studies of renewable energy projects in which municipalities and private companies collaborate, as well as knowledge sharing with the academia. Through these activities, both Councils offer meaningful opportunities for municipalities and the private sector to further share and exchange information, contributing to the municipalities’ local renewable energy policies and to the private sector’s efforts towards decarbonization. As the secretariat, SoftBank Group Corp. will continue being involved in the operation of the two Councils from a neutral standpoint, contributing to the promotion and expansion of renewable energy.

Participation in Japan Climate Initiative (SoftBank Group Corp.)

Japan Climate Initiative

SoftBank Group Corp. is the inaugural member of the Japan Climate Initiative, a network created in 2018 to strengthen the dissemination of information and the exchange of opinions and views by companies, local authorities and NGOs that proactively tackle climate changes.

The Japan Climate Initiative (JCI) is a network of non-state actors with the mission of "joining the front line of the global push for decarbonization from Japan." The organization was formed in 2018 with CDP Japan, WWF Japan and the Renewable Energy Institute, which Softbank Group Corp. CEO Masayoshi Son founded in 2011, serving as the secretariat.

JCI’s mission aligns with the SoftBank Group’s proactive response to the impacts of climate change and associated risks and opportunities. We recognize climate change as a key management issue and are taking bold steps to tackle it. JCI is a committed advocate of climate action.

The organization has hosted the Japan Climate Action Summit every year since its founding. It has also published the Japan Climate Action Summit Declaration as a message from Japanese non-state stakeholders, a public comment urging the Japanese government to show global leadership by drafting a long-term decarbonization strategy, and an editorial ad pushing the Japanese government to raise its 2030 renewable energy target. By endorsing these policies alongside other JCI members, the SoftBank Group has stressed the urgency of climate action. Our participation in JCI seminars and other events and conversations with JCI members are also helping to accelerate the decarbonization of our own investment and business portfolios.

Our activities with JCI are outlined below.

・July 6, 2018: SBG* joins JCI as the inaugural member
・October 12, 2018: SBG endorses Japan Climate Action Summit Declaration from Japan's non-state actors pushing for climate action
・October 12, 2018: SBG attends Japan Climate Action Summit 2019 (JCAS2019) seminar
・May 16, 2019: JCI issues a message “Japan needs an ambitious long-term strategy to show Japan’s decarbonization leadership to the world” to the Japanese government as public comment. SBG endorses the comment
・October 31, 2019: SBG attends Japan Climate Action Summit 2019 (JCAS2019) seminar
・October 13, 2020: SBG attends Japan Climate Action Summit 2020 (JCAS2020) seminar
・January 18, 2021: JCI publishes an editorial advertisement in Nihon Keizai Shimbun urging the Japanese government to raise 2030 renewable energy target. SBG endorses the ad
・April 19, 2021: JCI issues a message “Calling for an Ambitious 2030 Target for Japan to Realize the Paris Agreement Goal” to the Japanese government. SBG endorses the message
・June 3, 2022: JCI issues a message “Now is the time to accelerate renewable energy deployment -Calling for stronger climate change action in the midst of the fossil energy crisis-” to the Japanese government. SBG endorses the message

Going forward, JCI plans to use its leadership and business network to scale up climate action in Japan and drive climate action on the global level.

  • SoftBank Group Corp.

Invigorating carbon credit markets through participation in the Natural Capital Credit Consortium (SoftBank Corp.)

Invigorating carbon credit markets through participation in the Natural Capital Credit Consortium (SoftBank Corp.)

In December 2022, SoftBank Corp. joined the Natural Capital Credit Consortium (NCCC). The NCCC is chaired by Shunsuke Managi, director of the United Nations Inclusive Wealth Report and distinguished professor and director of the Urban Institute at Kyushu University. Members of the NCCC aim to invigorate the Japanese carbon credit market, reinvigorate regional areas and contribute to decarbonization through the creation of new carbon credits using regional forests and agricultural land.

In order to develop the carbon credit market in Japan going forward, it will be necessary to promote more active use of both government-led credits and voluntary credits like those in Europe and the United States. In addition to credits based on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions, credits can be generated based on other GHG emissions reduction effects, such as those of tree-planting and tree thinning of forests. However, challenges remain in increasing the accuracy and reliability of credit creation in such areas.

SoftBank Corp. worked with NCCC to provide its technological strength in the form of the e-kakashi agricultural AI brain for use in the verification testing of estimating the CO₂ absorption of trees and other plants in multiple municipalities. e-kakashi uses environmental data, such as soil temperature acquired from e-kakashi sensors, with a proprietary algorithm to estimate the amount of CO₂ absorbed by grassy areas and forests.

Spread of Renewable Energy

U.S. Solar Power Project (SB Energy Global Holdings)

To promote renewable energy, SB Energy Global Holdings and its subsidiaries operate a power generation business that boasts one of the largest solar power projects in the U.S. The project consists of five solar farms,* which collectively generate 1,328 MW.* SB Energy Global Holdings is currently constructing four additional solar farms in the U.S., which will collectively generate 2,048 MW.*

  • Generation capacity in AC, as of the end of April 2023

Providing electricity services that contribute to CO₂ reduction (SB Power)

SB Power is an electricity retailer that runs Shizen Denki, a service that discharges net-100% renewable energy*1 to households. In fiscal 2022, the service contributed to reducing carbon emissions by 38,000 tons.*2

Households that subscribe to SB Power’s SoftBank Denki service get free access to the Eco Denki App. They can use the app to monitor their past electricity bills and forecast their electricity bill for the month. They can also easily take advantage of the household energy-saving service where they can earn PayPay Points based on the amount of electricity they save at specified times. Through this service, SB Power supports users to reduce their electricity usage. In fiscal 2022, the service reduced household energy consumption by 18.01 million kWh, thereby cutting carbon emissions by 9,400 tons. Currently, more than half of SoftBank Denki subscribers use this service.*3

  1. By combining electricity supplied to customers with Non-fossil Fuel Energy Certificates that have a renewable energy designation, the service can supply electricity with a net-100% renewable energy ratio and net-zero CO₂ emissions.

  2. This figure is calculated by multiplying the amount of electricity used by Shizen Denki customers by the national average CO₂ emission factor and adding the amount of J-credits retired through support for forest conservation organizations.

  3. Accurate as of the end of April 2023

Eco Denki App screenshots

Conservation of Natural Capital

Promotion of Circular Economy

In order to make efficient and effective use of limited resources, the SoftBank Group strives to reduce the environmental impact of its business activities by conserving resources, reducing the generation of waste, and promoting the reuse and recycling of products and other materials. We also contribute to the realization of a circulate economy through our reuse business.

Promotion of “3R” Initiative in Mobile Phone Services (SoftBank Corp.)

In order to realize a circular economy, SoftBank Corp. is promoting the “3R initiatives
(Reduce = reduce the volume of waste, Reuse = use repeatedly, Recycle = utilize once again as resources)” in the mobile phone services.

ReduceReduce paper consumption by digitizing instruction manuals and invoices, and using iPads in stores
ReusePromote trade-in of mobile phones and tablets, some of which are for reuse in emerging countries
RecycleCollect and recycle used mobile phones handsets and battery packs

E-commerce Services that Contribute to a Circular Economy (Yahoo Japan Corporation*1)

Yahoo Japan Corporation offers “YAHUOKU!”*2 and “PayPay Flea Market”*2 as e-commerce services that contribute to the realization of a circular economy through the promotion of reuse.

YAHUOKU!YAHUOKU! is one of the largest online auction and flea market services in Japan since 1999. The service promotes the reuse of unwanted items by those who need them, thereby helping to create a circular economy.
PayPay Flea MarketPayPay Flea Market is a service that specializes in flea market-type transactions, where individuals can easily trade goods at fixed price. In collaboration with YAHUOKU!, it aims for the further development of the business in sustainable secondary distribution.
  1. On October 1, 2023, Z Holdings Corporation, as the surviving company, completed an intra-group reorganization involving mainly itself and two of its core wholly owned subsidiaries, LINE Corporation and Yahoo Japan Corporation, and changed its trade name to LY Corporation.

  2. On November 1, 2023, LY Corporation. changed the name of “YAHUOKU!” to “YAHOO! JAPAN AUCTION” and “PayPay Flea Market” to “Yahoo! JAPAN Flea Market”.

Initiatives Related to Water Resources

Securing water infrastructure during natural disasters through the use of water recycling technology (SoftBank Corp.)

In May 2021, SoftBank Corp. entered into an equity and business collaboration with WOTA CORP., a company with proprietary autonomous water treatment control technology, and is working with WOTA CORP. to build a new water circulation system using a distributed model independent of existing water infrastructure. Through these efforts, we contribute to the reuse of water resources, the implementation of a sustainable water infrastructure, and the preservation of water infrastructure and sanitation at evacuation centers during natural disasters.

WOTA CORP.’s WOTA BOX is a portable water reuse system that recirculates 98% of used water, allowing it to be utilized even in places without piped water. When combined with tents or other expansion units, it is possible to provide about 100 showers with just 100 liters of water, the amount usually required for two regular showers. Since installation is possible in a short time if a power source can be secured, showering becomes possible at evacuation centers even when water supply and sewage systems are disrupted by natural disasters. In addition, the WOSH portable handwashing stand has been put to use in disaster response scenarios at medical and nursing care facilities and other venues where environmental hygiene systems are critical.

Furthermore, we are working to solve problems relating to population decline, such as the challenges of maintaining the water infrastructure in underpopulated regions and island zones. WOTA CORP. is developing a residential connection system, a water circulation system that enables individual households to reuse water by recycling 98% of the effluent water produced by the household through its daily activities without the need to connect to water piping infrastructure.