Investor Relations

Analyst Coverage

Equity Analysts

(As of Mar 21, 2025 in alphabetical order with titles omitted)

Company NameAnalyst Name
Alex Pound
Andrew Beale
Kirk Boodry
Yoshitaka Nagao
Mitsunobu Tsuruo
Oliver Matthew
Kazuki Tokunaga
Peter Milliken
Atul Goyal
Paul Golding
Yusuke Hori
Tetsuro Tsusaka
David Gibson
Pierre Ferragu
Rolf Bulk
Daisaku Masuno
Yukari Housui
Satoru Kikuchi
Takashi Nakagawa
Kenji Yasui

Credit Analysts

(As of Mar 21, 2025 in alphabetical order with titles omitted)

Company NameAnalyst Name
Mana Nakazora
Junki Ojima
Takao Matsuzaka
Vivek Khanna
Andrew Webb
Hidetoshi Ohashi
Shogo Tono
Pierre Merveille
Kentaro Harada
Don Yew
Takashi Nakagawa
  • The lists above are based on the information available to the Company as of the publication and include only the information of those who have consented to being listed. Therefore, it should not be construed that the lists are complete lists of analysts, that the Company supports or sponsors any of these analysts, nor that the information is the latest.

  • The lists are prepared solely for investors to provide information on analysts and their affiliation which analyze and forecast the business performance of the Company . These should not be construed as an offer to sell or for solicitation to buy shares of the Company.

  • Analysts analyze and forecast performance, operation, products, technologies and other aspects of the Company based on their independent judgment. The Company is not involved in any part of this process.

  • The Company does not support or guarantee any forecasts, opinions or recommendations by these analysts.

  • The information expressed here does not constitute investment advice and independent advice should be sought where appropriate.

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